part 6

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George's pov

My eyes open to the day light shining in the windows.

The house is quiet.

I sit up slowly and looks around.

I don't think anyone's home.

Why would they do that?

Leave someone that they kidnapped here?

I stand up.

They're probably in there rooms

I quietly walk to the door.

I open it and look out.

I step out then quickly run into the woods.

Clays pov

"He's leaving" nick panics.

"I know" I whisper.

I suddenly see someone with a gun in the woods pointed at George.

I pull out my gun and shoot them.

This scares George.

There's more of them aiming for George.

"Nick" I say, nick pulls his gun out and starts to shoot at them, I do too.

"This will definitely scare him" karl whispers.

I run out if the house.

Nick does too as we shoot the men trying to kill George.

"Stay here, karl back up" I yell.

I run as fast as I can.

Which is risking my own life for George.

I feel a bullet hit my arm.

I wince but keep running.

I hear someone behind me.

I turn and hit them in the face with my gun then kick then in the stomach hard.

Then I shoot them.

I shoot more people.

Then run to George.

Nick and karl have got most of all the men trying to kill George and me.

I grab George's arm.

He screams, "George, shhh" I whisper and pull George into me.

I suddenly see someone's gun pointing at me.

I shoot them quickly and George flinches and grips into my t shirt.

I put one arm around George's waist.

All of them are gone now.

I fall to the ground and so does George.

Him on my lap.

"I'm sorry" he crys and wraps his arms around my neck.

I push his arms off me.

I pull my t shirt off and then wrap it around where I got shoot.

George stares at my chest and abs.

"Can you tie this, tight" I ask.

George takes my arm and makes a Knott, then he tightens it around my arm.

I wince at the pain.

He tightens it more, "fuck" I wince.

He finishes the knott and looks up at me.

I wrap my arms around him.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around my neck.

George's pov

What the fuck.

He's so hot.

Why is he hugging?

It's nice.

I hear a gun shot.

Then the bullet hits me straight in arm.

"Fuck" clay says standing and shooting the person.

I look down at my arm.

Blood begins to pour out.

I put my hand on it.

Clay walks over to me and pulls my hoodie off quickly.

He wraps it quickly around my arm and I pull my bloody hand away.

Clay pulls me up.

"Run to nick" he whispers.

He pushes me slightly, I begin to run to the house, Its ages away though.

I hear multiple gun shoots.

I get to the house and nick pushes me inside.

I sit on the couch.


It's been an hour, I haven't moved.

Clay and that are in here rooms.

I hear footsteps.

I look over at clay.

He's still topless and he's holding bandage.

He walks into the kitchen and fills a bowl with water and grabs a clothe.

He walks over and sits down next to me.

He begins to remove my hoodie from my arm.

He takes the hoodie off and daps a wet cloth on it.

I wince and pull my arm away.

"You have to cooperate otherwise you'll loose a lot of fucking blood" clay whispers.

I let him dap the wound.

Once he's finished he grabs the bandage and begins to wrap it around  my arm.

Once he's finished he punches my arm lightly.

I wince, I turn around and slap him in the face, he grabs my hand and pushes me down on the couch.

So he's hovering over me.

"You have a lot of fucking gut" he says angrily.

"What are you gonna do, hit me?" I whisper.

He grabs my other arm and begins to slowly bend it back.

I wince, I breath heavily as I try to show no emotion.

He pushes it back once more, "ok stop" I whisper, he let's go of me and sits down on the couch.

"Wheres the bathroom?" I ask.

"Second door to the right" cly answers.

I stand and walk down the hallway.

I hear faint moans coming from a room.

From karl and some from nick.

I quickly open the bathroom door and close it quickly blocking out most of the moans.

I lock the door and look at myself in the mirror.

I look tired.

But I always look tired so it's fine.

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