Chapter 1- Nightmare

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Dipper pov

Ugh! Where am I? I open my eyes slowly, meeting a gray forest. Everything is gray. I am the only which has colours.

This looks like Bill's making. But it can't be. It just can't. He is not alive

I stand up and start walking. It is awful it almost looks like the forest in Gravity Falls. As I walk deeper, and deeper in the forest I start hearing whispers

"Do we have a deal?"

"Haha kid you make me chuckle"

"Remember the universe is a hologram, buy gold!"

Bill! These are Bill's lines! I felt anger taking over my whole body and mind.


I shout and hear my voice echo over and over again. To the part where it almost give me a headache.

I stop walking, instead I start running. That's all I can do now. Run and run. The voices, whispers doesn't go. Just becoming louder

I flinch as I feel something touch my shoulder. I turn back but meeting no one...


It echos again. But I don't care.


I saw a yellow light in front of me, so bright that I had to close my eyes


B-bill? My eyes widened as I saw Bill Cipher standing in front of me. He doesn't say anything


He's closer, definitly closer. And getting closer.

"I missed you"

I step back in horror. He doesn't stop, my horror hasn't dropped slightest bit. I don't know why I am scared. I should be angry but right now but my mind is just blank.

I almost fell down as I feel I hit something. Turning back I saw
what it was. Bill's statue.

"Did you miss me too?"

I wake up. I am panting heavily. I feel my eyes full with tears but I hold them back.

I looked at the clock, 6.00 a.m. As someone who can't go back to sleep, I groan while I slowly get on my feet.

I am glad I don't share rooms with Mabel anymore. Hopefully I won't share rooms with her in Gravity Falls either. I mean we are 15

It is just 2 days more and we will finish our school year. We didn't tell what happened to anyone, not planning to. They most likely won't believe, if they do believe they'll freak out.

I put on some clothes and go to the kitchen. I drink a glass of water and go back to my room again.

The sun has started rising, giving me a slight light just enough to see. As I open my little bookcase and take out a book I heared a knock. Who was awake?

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