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Hello! It is the author here :) This book will be done with this not-so chapter. I will start a new book tomorrow and I can promise you that it will be dark, really dark. And of course it is about Dipper and Bill

Anyways I'll explain you what happened to the characters after some years

Dipper Cipher: Yes. Him and Bill got married and no they don't have children. They might adopt a kid this year but remember male can't get pregnant unless the author says

Bill Cipher: He is the same, cheerful annoying triangle he is

Mabel Pines: She is a famous fashion designer all over the world. She works with her friends, Candy and Grenda. She has a fiance and they will get married three months later

StanFord Pines: He died of a heart attack two years after their return

StanLee Pines: He is still alive and healty even if he is like really old somehow. The doctors say it is a miracule!

Gideon Gleeful: He was sent to prison when he was showing his skills by robbing a bank

Hope you liked the story! I hope you like my other stories too!


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