Chapter 14- Offical

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I snapped my fingers again and I was at the woods of Gravity Falls now, a peaceful place to think

I sat down on grass, behind me being a tree. I supported my back with it

I let out a sigh and listened to the sound of nature. I started humming to myself after a while I stopped

I heared footsteps came closer and closer. The person came to the tree I was laying to and guessing he didn't see me, he sat on the grass supporting his back with the tree aswell

We were just at the other way of the tree, unavailable of seeing eachother

"I don't know what to think"

He thought out loud, that's when I understood it was pinetree. This was a coincidence

"Maybe I should let it happen, I can't deny I kinda like him too"

He loud out a chuckle. I was both sad and happy if that makes sense. I was happy he likes me too but I am sad he won't be with me

"Maybe I should start to think of my hapiness before anyone else's"

I heared the sound of a knife (y'know the sound effect). What is he gonna do?


deserve pain

betrayed them

tried being the hero but failed

broke Bill's heart"

I heared to sound of what is like to slice something with a knife and he let out a wince

I ran next to him and saw he was cutting his wrist, crying slightly

"What the f*quack* Dipper!? What the hell were you thinking!
Cutting yearself!?"

I snapped my fingers as he looked at me blankly, I made the knife dissapear as I healed his cut. He was still looking emotionless but I kneeld down and let out a sigh


"Bill I am sorry for breaking your heart, I didn't mean to!"

"When did you break my non-existing heart, pinetree?"

"When you kissed me, I didn't say I love you"

He avoided eye-contact so I grabbed his chin and made him look at me forcefully

"I can't force your feelings and make you fall in love with me like some kind of drug. If it was anyone else I would, but not you"

"I betrayed them, I made the deal with you and-"

"And protected them with the deal"

I let go of his chin. He connected our hand together.We were quiet for a while

"Do you really love me?"

I looked at his eyes, they were slightly red from crying

"Of course I do Dipper. Heck I would burn the reality itself for you!"

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