Chapter 2- Regular Day

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Dipper pov

Unicorns? Gnomes? Shape Shifter...?

Someone has to now

I know they do

*Ring Ring*

It is 8.00 a.m. already? Time goes fast. Grabbing my books I placed them in my locker and went to my first class, English.

Mrs. Green was looking through the pages of her book. I took my usual seat, the wall side and second from the last.

....Time Skip.....

It was the break time, finally. The bell rang and I slowly got up my seat, getting ready to leave the class when I-

"Look at me you freak"

I didn't have time to progress. Someone had pulled me by my neck and made me face them.

I could see him and the two other boy. They were my bullies, they were since middle school and hopefully wont in university.

"Don't think I didn't saw you looking at Julie during lesson"

Julie? She was sitting at my front. And believe me I didn't look at her, I draw sketches all lesson.

I was stronger now, but I can't escape the bullies. I looked at teacher's desk, she was gone.

Using all my strength I punched him in the belly making him let go of me with a groan and taking everyone's attention.

"I didn't look at Julie! Geez when will you stop all of this!?"

The two boys next to him didn't attack me they just stand there. I don't think they were scared, nobody is scared of me, but soon everyone will be.

"You are a sick lier Pines! With that stupid birthmark of yours you are a freak, a loner that'a why you don't have friends!"

One of his two bully friends punched me in my nose, the other kicked me in my leg making me fall.

I hold my nose with one of my hands, pretty sure it was broken it hurt like hell. Main bully squat down and punched me in one of my eyes giving me a black eye.

They laughed and left the class. I saw everyone looking at me, no one did anything. They just looked at me.

People are like this. They witness, fear and ignore. Being alone and lonely are completely different, I am lonely not alone.

I hold onto one of the desk and stand up, it was hard becuase of my leg but I could manage. I covered my eye and nose with my pinetree hat and made my way to infirmary.

I was limping getting a few people's attention, I ignored them. As I reached the infirmary I went into one of the rooms and the nurse came in.

"Mr. Pines what is it that time?"

I put off my hat, avoiding eye-contact.

"Oh dear, wait here"

She left the room and I heared the bell. Our first breaktime was over. I would probobly skip this class.

The nurse came in after 2 minutes, grabbing some medicine and an eye-patch.

"Listen hun, your nose is broken drink these pain-killers"

She gave me them and a glass of water. I drank it.

"I can't fix a broken nose, you will need surgery at a hospital, don't worry it is not risky. If you want I can let your parents know"

"No ma'am I'll let them know, thank you"

"Alright, and for your eye wear this eye-patch. It has some medicine in it"

I wore the eye-patch. It was feeling kinda uncomfortable but it was fine. My leg just got worse, it started to hurt now.

"Ma'am can you look for my leg please? It hurts slightly"

I said, trying not to be emberrased. She gave me a warm smile and asked me to show my bruise.

I lift up my jean's right leg to where it hurts.

"How did this happen?"


She gave a sad nod and left the room once again. She came back after a minute or two.

She poured an ointment and closed it with a bandage. She gave me a paper after.

"You are free to rest today Mr. Pines, make sure to go to a hospital"

She left the room and left the door open. I left the infirmary and went to the headmaster's room. I knocked the door twice and he let me in.

"Sit down Mr. Pines. Our nurse let me know that you are free to rest today. And she told me you were getting bullied. Can I get the names of them please?"

I can't let him know their names or they'll do worse. It is just three days more and it will end.

"I unfortuantly don't know their names and I don't remember their faces sir"

"Hmm, if you learn come here. You are dismissed"

"Thank you sir"

I left the room and went to my locker. I grabbed some books and left the school.

What an exhausting day. I know the pain-killers will be off after a few hours and especially my nose will hurt like hell.

I go home and unlock the door with my key. Nobody is at home now, great. It is not an irony it is really great.

I walk to my room and get my journal. Some of their pages were made by the help of Cipher. I opened a page and found the healing spell.

Healing spell

If you are gonna heal yourself say the words aloud, if you are gonna heal someone else touch them in their waist with both of your hands and say the words aloud.

Nihil potest evanescet
Renovatio ad vitam reducit quod fuit
Tum tu quoque
Renova destructa

If you heal yourself you will lose %40 of your energy, if you heal someone else you will lose %30.

I did what it said and felt dizzy, being no surprise. I went to bed and read books, slowly falling asleep....

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