Chapter 5- Graduation & Trip

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I woke up by Mabel calling out my name. She told me the 'party' will start in two hours and we have to get ready. Looking at the time, it was 7 a.m.

"Go outside Mabel I will change"

"Alright, comb your hair it looks messy. Oh and come to me when you're done!"

I nod and she left the room, closing the door. I got changed into my suit quickly. I looked at the mirror. The suit was good and it fit on me.

I combed my hair and washed my face, careful not to get water on my suit.

I was ready so I went to Mabel's room and knocked two times. She shouted a 'Come in!' and I walked inside

I saw her in her dress but it was not zipped. She was sitting on her bed and you could see her back

"Uhh Dipper can you zip my dress? I can't reach it!"

She said as she clearly sounded embarassed.

"No need to be embarrassed Mabel, I am your brother"

I zipped her dress, she looked pretty in it


"You look pretty in the dress"

"Thank you!"

She gave a heart-warming smile

"Is that why you needed me?"

"Not really well I need you to sit down now"

I sat down on the bed. Now what? She left the room and walked to her bathroom. She returned with some make-up thingys.

"Look Dipper I know you don't like make up but I will just put some foundation to cover up your eye-bags and nothing else"


She applied some on me. It felt uncomfortable at first but it soon faded away as I got used to it. I saw she slowly stopped and put it away

"You have baby soft skin!"

She said as she went to the bathroom and put the make-up thingys away. She came back after half a minute

"I am not a baby! I am manly!"

"Whatever you say"

We left the room and went to the kitchen, father was waiting for us. Appearently mother left early for job

Mabel told we were not gonna have breakfast becuase there will be food at the party

Father drove us to the party. It looked like a night club to be honest. We got off the car as we said goodbye.

We were stopped by two man before we could enter. They did a identity control thing and after that we entered

There were a chaos inside, colorful lights almost hurting your eyes, drinks and some food on the tables placed randomly

I saw almost everyone from school, Somophore year. Mabel went near her friends. Leaving me alone.

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