Chapter 13- Confession

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I didn't see any dreams or nightmares tonight too, or I just don't remember it

I looked to see if Bill was awake, and he was. Mabel's old bed was empty. I couldn't tell which hour it was so I looked at my phone


This is one of the latest times I've woken up. Why did no one wake me up?

I throwed the blanket on the floor and got off my bed. I noticed I didn't change my clothes yesterday. So I did now

I tidied my bed and walked downstairs. Bill and Mabel were playing a boardgame in the living room

"Mind if I join?"

"Dipper! Come, come, come!!"

Mabel yelled out, I sat near them in front of the game. The game was simple you roll the dice and move your icon

You'll choose one option out of two, an alternate of 'Would you rather to'

"We are starting over since we have a new player"

Bill said and they moved their icons to the beggining. Bill's icon was a dollar bill and Mabel's was a unicorn. I choose a pinetree

"Pinetree got a pinetree"

"This is ironic"

"Shut up you two. And ladies first"

Mabel giggled and rolled over the dice. It was a 4. She moved her unicorn icon to the fourth place and took out a card

"Your lover and sibling are drowning in a lake. If you could save only one of them, who would you?"

"That's easy! I could save Dipper becuase I don't have a lover!"

"It's my turn now"

Bill rolled the dice and it was a 6

"Haha 666 get it?"

He moved his icon to 6th place and took out the card

"Who is hotter Bill Cipher or the sun?"

"Bill! Read what the card said"

I protested, he snapped his fingers and showed me the card. The writing was what he said

"Stupid demon"

"Wow there's something going on I can tell right DIPPER!?"

She made this face: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and I covered my cheeks knowing they were red. Bill didn't seem to notice

"We all know the answer, it is me of course!"

"Narcissist bastard"

I mummbled before taking the dice and rolling it. It was a 1. I took my pinetree icon and moved it a tile. I took out it's card


My face grew blood red and I didn't read aloud what the card said. I knew it was Bill who changed it

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