Chapter 15- Return of Twins

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The Next Day

I woke up on my bed, Bill was sleeping in Mabel's bed. I didn't wake him up and went downstairs

Mabel wasn't up either, she has fell asleep on the couch. I carried her to her bed without waking her up

///Dipper has muscles 😌💪🏻///

I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Stan and Ford are coming today but I don't know what time so better be prepared for anything

I cracked four eggs on a pan after putting some butter on the pan. After a couple of minutes the omlete was ready

Time to wake the idi-Bill and Mabel up Hmm I haven't used any magic for a while now, why not a show?

I opened my journal and looked through some pages.!

I flipped some pages more, but no! There wasn't any good spells for this. Oh wait, 'The most annoying sound'?

That's interesting

The Most Annoying Sound

Warning: Protect your ears

Information: This spell can make the most annoying sound you can imagine. It is so bad that some people use it as a torture

Spell: optimum sonus

Oh wow, it seems pretty easy and fun. I don't know how loud it will be so I will wear headphones

I put on my headphones and turned up a random song in the loudest volume

I walked downstairs and taking a breath I said the words

"Optimum sonus"

Nothing happened. Maybe I should take off my headphones? Yeah, I should

That was the second worst choise in my life

I put my headphones back on in a matter of miniseconds

Then I saw Bill teleport here. He was closing his ears with his hands. He snapped his fingers and took his hands away from his ears

He put my headphones away. He have removed the spell


He said in a low, deep clearly annoyed tone, almost as if it was a sarcasm

"Yes reaaallly"

I replied, using the same tone as him. He rolled his eyes

"Wait, how come Mabel didn't wake up?"

I asked, confused. She might have overdrank her Mablejuice

"Did someone say MABEL!?"

Mabel squealed kicking her bedroom's door and running up to me. Her pupil was much larger and you could really see stars on it

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