Chapter 16- Weirdness

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Bill walked upstairs, leaving me and Ford alone

"So gruncle Ford wha-"

I cut myself off when Ford walked to laboratory. I followed him

This place looked abonded and it was. Nobody came here for years

Test tubes, pencils, pages and other stuff I can't name was all there, in dirt

"Dipper, when we were at the sea there has begun being some abnormalities"

"Isn't there always abnormalities?"

"This time it was different. Four days ago there was a big wave coming to us. We thought we would not make it alive of how big it was. But when it was about to hit didn't. It stopped like we were in a bubble that it can't get in. And the worst thing is that we were in Gravity Falls line"

Bill, his friends and chaos can't go out of Gravity Falls. I can't just tell them that Bill is living here and my boyfriend!

I have to give them time to trust 'Will' so they will trust him when I tell he is actually Bill Cipher

"Dipper are you there?"

"Yeah sorry just the posibilities of him coming back scares me"

"Don't worry my boy, even if he does come back we will be ready!"

Ready for what? A war again? To think of it, if there was a war between Bill and my family which side would I be on?

"How will we be ready? With what?"

"I am making weapons to kill a demon. I had one as you know but this will be stronger"

Sorry to break it to you Ford but I can't let that happen. I just gotta pretend for now

"Can I help you?"

"No, this is dangerous"

Bill being the danger itself, you have no idea what dangerous is

I nodded as he turn back and before I was able to go he stopped me one last time

"Oh, Dipper. Whatever you do, don't trust him"

I let out a low chuckle and without saying anything I left the laboratary. y'know what they say: Don't make promises you can't keep

I went upstairs to be met by Bill reading my journal

"Bill, it is private"

He closed the journal and left it on nightstand

"What did Sixer say?"

"Well he thinks you may be back. He is gonna make weapons"

"I feel so honored"

He said sarcasmly and rolled his eyes The door got knocked

Knock Knock

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