Chapter 4- Last Day of School

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I woke up by a huge happiness. Yes.


I stood up got changed real quickly and put my hat on. I looked at the clock


Uhh- what...?

Why did I wake up so early! I could sleep more anyways it is the last day of school and nothing can ruin my mood

I brushed my teeth and went to the bathroom. Took a quick shower brushed my hair.

I looked at the clock again


"Honey are you going to school you are gonna be late!"

Mother shouted. 10 minutes! I. HAVE. LEFT. Guess I am not gonna eat breakfast today.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bread. Mother looked at me surprised but I instead of talking with her run outside.

And now I am eating a bread while running. After 8 minutes of this I was getting exhausted. It was until I saw the school and the bill rang


(I came up with this and decided to keep it like this xD)

I panted, took a deep breath and continued running

I made it to the class yes!

Forgetting to knock on the door I just came in running inside!

Everyone looked at me, including the teacher

"Mr. Pines, do you have an excuase of being late?"

"U- w-well ma'a-"

"Is there something in your mouth?"

Think of something Dipper! Think of something!


I replied. Everyone started laughing like animals literally. The teacher looked at me like a 'seriously' face before telling me to go to my seat

//Time skip to the last lesson of day//

Last lesson of the year, amazing. Unfortuantly it was P.E. the lesson I hate most.

"Listen people. Girls will practice volleyball with Mrs. Silver. Boys follow me"

Not football please not football! I have noodle arms! Wait you don't need arms to play football-

"Today you will play dodgeball. The team leaders are Jack and Kylie"

Soon everyone was choosen, being two equal groups. Without me of course. I mean why would they choose me?

The teacher noticed and said I can play volleyball with girls and everyone laughed.

I nodded as a 'yes' and went for it.No I am kidding of course. I waved to Mabel (who was playing Volleyball) before leaving the school

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