Chapter 9- Blood Summon

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They noticed me too

"Hey Dipper! What are you doing here?"

Candy asked with her nice smile. Mabel avoid looking at me

"I just went for a walk"

"That's cool" Wendy said "We are going to visit unicorns"

"Uhh- Didn't you fight with them the last time?"

F my luck. Why now. I don't want anyone suspecting me, Mabel already does

"We did but it is the past!"

Grenda said with her thick voice, even after years it was almost the same

"Have fun I guees"

I made myself sound not nervous, I can't believe when I am doing things like inverstigation or threatening someone I am just emotionless but when it comes suitations like this I am nervous

Oh well I can't bother to care

They went to the unicorn's land and I heared Grenda say the words aloud, she must have memorized it

I walked away from the forest before I could hear them scream

After 15 minutes of walking I arrived to Mystery Shack, I saw Soos giving a tour to tourists before going in

The shack was unusually quiet, as there were no one but me. I walked up to my room, I could hear the stairs giving a 'crack' sound which made me feel uncomfortable

I went to my bed and lay down before throwing my bag to a random place but not far away from my bed

I need to apologize to Mabel, heck I don't need to... apologize? I just need to explain more and better but also give her the time she needs

I got up from my bed and went over the random place I've throwed my back-pack to. I opened it and grabbed the book unicorns gave after locking the door

It had labels 'Zemheri' on it. It's cover was made by woods, making it hard and on top of it we can see some branches covering an amulet, looking like an amethyst becuase of it's colour

I opened the book and flipped the pages. There were posions, spells, dark-magics and more.

I stopped when I came to a certain page

"Blood Summon"

Hmm, that must be it. I sat down on my bed and started reading

Blood Summons are a way of bringing back demons, any kind. As you could understand from the name, you will need blood. Not from a random being, the living must have a place in the whell of the demon itself. If not, it could kill you. First you need to say the words aloud

"Quaero ad vivifica me pertinent ad daemonium"

I tried to read it as much as I could, I studied Latin so it helped

A knife appeared in my hands, it was no simple knife. It had different symbols I couldn't name on it. It didn't look sharp

I continued to read

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