Chapter 12- Fun Day

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"Sure I don't see why not"

I accepted his hand and we walked to the center of the hall, where everyone danced

We started dancing to the rythm of the music

Bill is a really good friend, I hated him for what he did in our first summer there. But he changed

He changed right? But what if he using me why is he nice to me all of a sudden this doesn't make any sense

I am being paranoiac. I shook of my thoughts and return to the Earth

Bill was looking at me, I knew he was reading my thoughts. I chuckled nervously

"I am sorry, I can't help but be paranoiac"

"Trust me"

He spinned me and as I was about to fall he supported me with his right hand, covering my back with his arm preventing me from falling

*That's dipping postion I guess but I'm not sure*

He leaned on me a little, inches apart our faces. The song ended and he helped me stand on my own again

The girls came over us and yelled, fangirling. Even Mabel was

"Cut it out guys, we're just friends"

I chuckled, it was true

"Yeah what he said"

The way he said that I don't know it send shivers down my spine. Like I didn't want him to say that

"But that won't stop us from

Grenda yelled

"Shipping? Is there a dock here?"

Bill said. All of the girls bursted into laughes, falling to the ground and holding their belly from laughing too much

I laughed a little too but stopped after seeing his confused face

"I will tell you once we go home"

He hummed an 'okay' and we left the girls since they weren't gonna finish laughing soon

We went outside and sat down on the grass, watching the stars. I showed Bill constellations

"And that is big dipper, end of it you can see Polaris. And if you look next to it, you can see little dipper they are almost same except their sizes"

I said, pointing it. He looked at it and lifted my forelock hair, allowing him to see my birthmark

He touched it, gently. He didn't say anything which made me blush a little

He is not making me feel THIS!

He stopped and put my hair on my birthmark again, closing it

"I don't understand why you are hiding it"

"Well people make fun of me"

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