Chapter 7- Tad Strange

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I got up panting and sweating. I looked where I was but the thing is I didn't know

Did I... die? No I somehow feel alive. But how!?

"I just couldn't let you die kid"

I turned to see who it was. It was a floating demon looking like Bill but instead he was purple and he had a tie instead of a bow tie

"Who are you!? Or what or you!"

"I am Tad Strange, I work for Bill!"

Tad Strange!? The guy at the party!

"Oh yeah I was"

He turned to his human-self. And looked up and down on me

"Stop staring"

"I wasn't staring, I was looking if you had any injures"

"Why do you care?"

"I said I am working for Bill right? We made a deal"

"What was the deal?"

"I would have some demon powers and in exchange I would make sure you completed your side of the deal"

Oh wow, I thought I was the one with trust issues. I am not the one to blame him though

"Last question, what did you put on my drink?"

"That's for me and you to find out. By the way your family think you're dead so you better leave"

"Leave? Where even am I? Everywhere is bright and just white!"

"Haha yeah let's fix this!"

I felt water on my face and I opened my eyes, they weren't closed before but now they were?

I was at the down the waterfall. Didn't notice there was a waterfall on the cliff

I looked to myself, I had some brusies but I was alright. I had to leave now.

I walked to the woods and walked along a path I know. I opened my backpack and pulled out a knife

I made slight and some deep cuts on me. Face, arms and legs. I also made my clothes a little ripped

I did this to say my lie, I fell but there were trees to slow down my falling causing me to have cuts and brusies I was unconscious for a while but someone found and helped me

Sounds good enough

I saw Mystery Shack and entered in. Mabel was crying, Soos, Candy and Grenda was comforting her. Wendy also were there. She didn't even look at me when she said

"Sorry, we are closed"

"Even for me?"

Hearing my voice they all looked at me, their eyes widened. It soon turned into happy ones

They all ran up to me and hugged me excepct for Mabel. Her eyes were just widened with tears

They broke the hug and it was Mabel and me

"Dipper... I saw you-!"

She broke into tears and I hugged her

"Hey hey it is okay"

"No it is not! You have cuts all over you and it is all my fault!"

"It was not your fault"

Wendy came up to me

"How did you survive Dipper? Mabel told she saw you fall off and we searched for you the whole morning but we couldn't find you. I am just shocked dude"

"Oh yeah about that, while I was falling some trees slowed me down giving me cuts and I was unconscious when I fell but someone helped me"

"Who's that someone we have to thank them!"
Mabel said

"His name is Tad Strange"

"I don't think I know-"

"Oh it is becuase he is too busy to come to the town!"

I interrupted Soos, causing them to flinch. I noticed I said it in a mad tone

I apologised

"It is fine bro-bro! Now let's go to my room I will cover up your cuts!"

I nodded and we both left. Her eyes were still kinda red from crying but it was fading away

She grabbed an air-kid which I didn't know she had. She covered them almost perfectly

"Thank you Mabel"


I was about to leave the room but she stopped me

"Wait Dipper! I got your back-pack and... uh..."

There should be my journal and knife in it. Oh no, the knife! It had blood from the gnome

"Why was there a knife covered in blood!? What happened!"

A lie, A LIE I had to think about a lie!

"I-... found it-"

"Don't lie to me Dipper, I know when you're!"

I ran out of her room I knew she was following me and running as well becuase of the footsteps but it came         to a stop, she gave up

I stopped aswell and went to my room, upstairs. I saw my back-pack there, I opened it. My journal and knife was fine, although it still had blood on it

I went to my bathroom and cleaned the blood off, after that I got a quick shower

And slowly fell asleep...

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