Chapter 10- Deal

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He stopped banging on the uninvisible sphere hold him and looked with interest

"Out of everyone, pinetree I didn't think you would want to make a deal, willingly. Go ahead I am interested"

When he said interested his voice changed into a deeper one and he came closer to me, both of his hands were on his cane

I went two steps back as I didn't want to be close to the demon, I hate to admit but he still scared me

"I will set you free but you can't possess or harm anyone, physically or mentally never ever, even after I do my side of the deal"

He groaned with anger. I looked at Tad he was listening to us. I turned my head to Bill again and looked at his eye directly

"You know what"

He started, he let go one of his hand from the cane he was holding so only one of his hands was holding it

"I can wait"

"I can just use Ford's weapon to kill you, it is still remaining"

"You're lying, it was destroyed"

"The all seeing eye should know I am not"

He thought for a while, he could understand if I am lying or not

"I accept your terms, pinetree but I want another thing beside being free"

"And that is? Oh no you are forbidden to go out from Gravity Falls!"

"I wasn't going to ask for that, I want to stay with you!"

"What, why!? You can summon a house if you want to!"

"What's the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes and offered a hand to Bill

"So it is a deal..."

We shook our hands, they were in blue flames. We cut out and I removed the unicorn hair

He floated and flew through the room, making circles around me

"Stop it Bill, you are making me dizzy!"

"Pfft okay"

He stopped and I looked over to Tad

"When are you going to let me go!?"

He shouted madly, no surprise. I undo my spell and he fell to the ground

"Hey that hurt!"


Bill and Tad were eye to eye for a moment, if stares could kill they would die

"So Tad..."

I started making both of them looking at me

"What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I'll probably go to my family and apologize for leaving them too long"

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