Chapter 17- Reveal

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"Bro bro! Wake up!!"

I rubbed my eyes and saw Mabel in front of me. I looked at the time from the clock on my nightstand


"Why are you up this early Mabel?"

I yawned, Mabel chuckled

"Why not? Come on now Ford said he wants to show us something!"

"This early?"

I repeated, even if I wake up from someone I be tired as if I didn't get any sleep. But if I wake up at 6 a.m. by myself it is totally fine

"Yes sleeping beauty!"

She left the room after opening the curtains, letting sun shine came in

I groaned and left my bed, getting a headache but it went away after a minute. I showered and got dressed to casual clothes

It was around 7:30 now

I walked downstairs and saw Bill, Ford, Stan and Mabel sitting on the chairs surronding the table

Ford was making a speech about demons. It was rare to see Bill wasn't laughing

"Good morning all"

I said and sit on the only empty chair, between Bill and Mabel

"Good morning"
They said

"Dipper, as you know Bill could be back. Today we are looking if Bill's statue is gone or not. If it is not gone then it is good news"

I nodded sleepy. Ford continued his speech as I put my chin on a hand getting support from the table

Before I knew it I was asleep



I opened my eyes by a splah of water on my face. I looked at my surrondings, only Bill was there

We were still at the table from Ford's speech I must've fell asleep

"Seriously Bill?"

"Get dressed, we are gonna be off soon"

I get surprised from Bill's once for serious and casual talk. He would say a joke or an irony but not now

"Don't use my name pinetree, remember they can still hear us"

He is acting mature, I can't help but be surprised again. I nod and went upstairs to change my shirt, which was wet from the water

When I was done changing I walked downstairs and they were waiting for me to leave

"We can leave now"

Ford said, he was holding a map. Did he really make a map showing Bill's statue?

Mabel was wearing a crop and shorts, she had a cap on. Bill was in his usual clothes and so was Stan

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