Chapter 6- Back to Gravity

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I was wearing jeans and a soft blue hoodie. I was wearing a white simple shirt inside but you couldn't see it becuase of the hoodie

Mabel was wearing a pink crop with some cupcake details on it. She had blue shorts. She also made two braids

I saw her falling asleep, she landed on my shoulder but I gently placed her to the window seat so she could support her head

The trip was going to take a good three hours. Not too long actually. I looked at the bus. We were the only passengers as always

I took my backpag, I used it as a suitcase since I didn't have so much stuff

I took out my journal and started taking notes. I still wonder what was in that drink? Who actually Tad Strange was? Was he the reason why I had fainted?

Knowing there will not be answers to those questions from myself I closed my journal and put it in the bag again

I put my headphones on, I open my playlist and listen to music.

♤}'°~^^Time Skip^^~°'{♤

I looked through the window, slowly seeing familiar trees. Mabel had woken up a few minutes ago

I felt the bus slowing down eventually stopping

"Gravity Falls"

Our bus driver called and the doors opened automatically. Mabel took her suitcase in exciment and started running off. I put my backpack on and followed her

Wendy,Grenda, Candy, Soos were waiting for us. When they saw us, they gave us hugs

"Welcome dudes!"

Soos greeted us

"Oh Gravity Falls, nice to be here again!"

Mabel called out in her cheerfully voice

"Yeah, it is boring without you guys" Wendy said

"Are Gruncle Stan and Ford here?"

I asked, they went to a trip with their ship thing to find treasures and such. But mostly becuase of fun

"They sent us a letter saying they will return a week later"

How did they send a letter if they are on water? Oh well, maybe they landed

We went to the Mystery Shack.  Soos has been taking care of it, he told Melody and he had a child on the way

On the other hand Wendy told she doesn't go to collage, simply she didn't want to study. She helps her father

Candy and Grenda hasn't changed a bit they still talk whater they talked with Mabel when she first came, they just matured a bit

Me and Mabel had our own rooms now, my being the attic and Mabel's the room we found on our previous summer here

I unpacked my stuff, it was quick becuase I didn't have too many. I took my backpack and put my journal and a knife in it

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