Chapter 1: Gone Away

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"You're what?!" Sakura exclaimed. Hinata and Sakura were walking down a trail right outside of Konoha, the sun was shining and the weather outside was beautiful. It was the first good day outside to go on a walk in a while. The wind blew viciously, if it wasn't for the wind it would be 100% perfect outside. It was one of those days where when the wind was calm, it felt like it was almost summer, and when the wind started up, it felt like it was winter.

Sakura and Hinata were planning on going on a hike, but Hinata hadn't been feeling good in the past few days. Sakura thought it was just a little bit of a stomach bug; but it turned out being a little bit bigger than a bug.

"Naruto was thinking it was really funny that I've been getting sick every morning for the past few days. So we both decided it was time to go get it checked out because I was getting to the point to where standing too long nauseated me. They asked me when the last time I had my period was and I was... well completely silent. I forgot the last time I had one..." Hinata murmured looking down at her stomach, both of them were amazed with the life inside of her that was growing.

"You could had came to me." Sakura said smiling at her, she was so happy that Naruto and Hinata were already planning on starting a family; but none of them expected it to be so soon. "I would had been able to figure out what was wrong with you a lot faster then who ever you went to."

"It was Tsunade." Hinata said defending her doctor. "She did great. I mean we all assumed it was a stomach bug, but when she demanded me to take a pregnancy test... that's when we figured out we were all wrong. I kind of caught the sign when she asked me when my period was. We've been so busy recently... I completely didn't notice the signs..."

"How far along are you?" Sakura asked. She knew that Naruto and Hinata have had hardly any alone time recently. With Kakashi stepping down soon; the new Hokage was chosen just last month. Naruto was proudly given that title, since he was the hero of the village just a few years ago.

"Two months surprisingly." Hinata declared looking down at her stomach. Sakura glanced down too, she didn't see any obvious signs of her being pregnant, but she did notice that a bulge was starting to form on her once flat stomach.

"It this going to delay Naruto going into office in six months? That's cutting it really close..." Sakura murmured. They stopped at a nearby bench so Hinata could sit down, standing for too long still got her really sick.

"I don't know... I hope not." Hinata said as she sat down on the bench. "I would hate to get in the way of such a big day for him... he's been waiting for this day pretty much his whole life..."

"You're not going to get in the way Hinata." Sakura said, she was worried she was going to put herself down. "If anything; it's going to make that day ten times better than he imagined." Hinata smiled softly at Sakura.

She couldn't believe that she married Naruto just almost 7 months ago, but now she was bearing his child. This was indeed rushing things, but they didn't mind. Naruto looked at it as going the right way on a short cut.

"So have you heard anything from Sasuke?" Hinata asked Sakura curiously. Sakura's smile faded into a frown. Sasuke hadn't been home since a few days since the wedding, and wasn't expected to be home anytime soon. She shook her head. "Oh I'm sorry... " Hinata murmured hugging Sakura. "I shouldn't had mentioned anything."

"Oh no you're okay." Sakura murmured with a soft, fake smile. "Honestly if I was in your shoes; I'd be curious too."

"Aren't you the slightest bit concerned about where he is?" Hinata asked a few minutes later, she was pushing the topic sadly, but she was just worried about her best friend.

"Of... of course I am..." Sakura muttered. "I just... know worrying too much is useless...." Sakura sighed, the wind started picking up. "We need to get you home." Sakura said standing up.

Walking Hinata home was almost a silent event, Hinata tried to pick up some small conversations with Sakura. But she almost always gave her one worded answers. Hinata bit her lip. I shouldn't had mentioned anything...

"Thank you for walking me home... Sakura." Hinata said with a smile, Sakura gave her one of her slight fake smiles.

"Hinata!" A voice called from inside their house. Naruto was waiting eagerly for his wife to return home.

"Where have you been?" He asked pulling his wife into his arms. "You have no idea how much I've missed you!" He picked her up and kissed her, spinning her softly across the ground.

"I was out with Sakura..." Hinata murmured through giggles. She loved the attention Naruto always gave her now. She was never going to get used to this; even if they lived over 100 years. "I didn't think you would worry that much."

"I may have been over exaggerating..." Naruto murmured placing her down. "How is Sakura anyways?" Naruto asked glancing over at his friend. "I haven't seen you around in a while."

"I've been fine." Sakura said. She was twisting her necklace that Sasuke gave her at Naruto's wedding around her fingers, and Naruto knew she only did that when she was either thinking about Sasuke, missing Sasuke, or both.

"Sure you have..." Naruto murmured, his happiness started to fade into sorrow. He felt Sakura's pain. He hated that Sasuke would leave her for so long. She didn't deserve that kind of treatment. And what was he doing anyways.

"I promise you Sakura; when I become Hokage in a few months, I won't let Sasuke be gone this long." He said giving her a smile. Sakura grinned softly at Naruto. She loved his optimistic nature, and his caring nature towards his friends, but she knew Sasuke leaving was well over Naruto's power.

"Sasuke can come and go as he wishes, I'm not going to let anyone stop him from doing what he wants to do. I think he'll settle down and stay when he gets married and starts a family..." Sakura murmured. Mentally stabbing herself in the heart.

She was so jealous of Naruto and Hinata. They were both married happily; and already starting a family. Something Sakura so desperately wants. But she wasn't going to admit that to them of course.

Naruto looked at the girl sadly. He knew she was torn apart that Sasuke spent so much time away. Naruto never got a good detail over what he was doing, but he was pretty sure that he was getting some answers that he could never get in Konoha. There was a lot that happened in his lifetime, and sometimes you just need to go out and get the answers you need.

"I need to go..." Sakura murmured, she was growing tired of watching the happy couple in front of her. Her heart ached for Sasuke, wherever he was.

"Don't be a stranger." Naruto said, walking over to Sakura giving her a hug. "We both are practically your family, you can come to us for anything."

"You don't need to worry about me..." Sakura murmured. "You have a kid on the way, and a future on the line. I'm the last thing you should worry about."

"And that's where you're wrong," Naruto said pulling away from Sakura. He pulled her face up so she would look up at him. "You're pretty much my sister, and that means we are family. I will do anything for my family."

Sakura smiled softly at Naruto, she knew he meant well. But there was nothing else he could do for her. If Sasuke wanted to go, he would leave regardless. There was no stopping him. Maybe someday he'll give her a better explanation of what he was doing. But right now was not the time.

"I know Naruto, if there's something you can do to help... I'll be sure to let you know." She said turning to walk away from the happy couple, she didn't want to intrude on their happiness with her depression.

"Bye Sakura!" They both called as Sakura headed down the road to her house.

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