Chapter 11: Child Confessions

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Sasuke didn't know how he got outside, what felt like a few minutes ago was actually now hours. His eyes fluttered open, it was turning dark. He looked around at his surroundings, realizing that he was on the ground outside. He turned, noticing he was beside the lake. His hideaway, and also the place where the love of his life was taken from him.

Sasuke looked down at his phone, noticing it was blown up with messages and missed calls.

Sasuke... where are you?!

Suigetsu is back in the village, and now you're gone!

Sasuke it's been like... three hours...I know you just kind of stormed off... but you can't be ignoring me

Well really you like jumped me and ran off.

Well I'll be with Hinata if you come looking for me...

Sasuke sighed, getting up from the ground. He held his head in his hand for a minute, his head was pounding. He couldn't recall what caused this pain, or even how he got here.

Sasuke got on his feet, glancing around at his surroundings. There was nothing out of the ordinary. He then decided to go over to the water to wash his face. "For some odd reason.. I knew you'd be here..."

Sasuke flinched, almost falling forward into the water. He caught himself right before he did, turning to face Ino Yamanaka. Someone he didn't expect finding him. His eyes narrowed at her, noticing her only few month old pregnant stomach. He honestly couldn't stand the sight of someone pregnant at the moment, It just flashed images of Sakura, and whatever situation she was in.

"I know... I'm the last person you'd want to talk to right now..." Ino murmured sitting beside Sasuke. "But I know Naruto can be hard to talk to, and he's about the only person who's made contact with you since Sakura had been missing."

Sasuke just looked down at the water, he didn't want to look at her. He honestly didn't care if he looked like he was ignoring her. "You know... you can't blame yourself for what happened to Sakura... What happened, happened. There's no real way to go back."

"Oh thanks, you're really great at this 'making me feel better' shit." Sasuke snapped. Standing up to walk away from her.

"Can you just listen to me and not be a fucking dick?!" Ino said grabbing his arm to make him stay. "I might be 5 months pregnant; but I can still chase your ass down Uchiha."

Sasuke didn't move, he was willing to hear her out. But she wasn't going to get much of a response from him. The only reason why he wasn't leaving was because this was Sakura's best friend, it's the least he could do for Sakura.

"Are you going to listen?" Ino asked after a moment, waiting for him to respond. He just slightly nodded. "Is that the most of a conversation I'm going to get from you?" Sasuke turned to glance at her. "Listen, we all are here for you. Hell; we are all pitching in to help get you and Sakura baby stuff. We were supposed to keep this a surprise, since we weren't sure how happy you would be knowing we know she's pregnant. But I have a question; which is going to declare how much of a dick you are or not."

Sasuke waited for her to ask, but he knew after a few moments that she wasn't going to ask unless he verbally asked her what her question was. "And that is?"

"If the kid isn't yours... are you still going to stay with Sakura and treat it like it was your own...?"

Sasuke just looked at Ino. He was shocked how openly she asked that question. But then again... no one really knows that they both had sex. They are all probably going with the thought of her being raped. "What makes you think the kid isn't going to be mine?" Sasuke asked.

Ino was shocked when Sasuke asked her that. "I mean... I wo-would had thought Sakura would had told me if you two had... you know... so it made me think it wasn't yours... Naruto didn't even know if you two had done it. He said the moment he asked you went ape shit and ran."

"I freaked out because I found out the love of my life was pregnant. And I wasn't there for her. She's going through everything pretty much by herself. And honestly... I don't know if that kid is 100% mine... We had... We did..." Sasuke grew silent, trying to control his emotions again. Just talking about this was getting him on the verge of freaking out. "Sakura and I laid together the night before she was kidnapped. That's why I feel like shit that I wasn't there. I wanted to pack and be back at her house before she woke up, and I failed."

Ino's expression grew from shocked, to saddened. "Sasuke we all know you meant well... but you still didn't answer my question."

"The child... will still be half Sakura... which is half of my world. Of course I would treat the child as my own... even if it wasn't mine..."

"You know Sasuke, that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say."

"Don't get used to it.." Sasuke said with a half smile.

"You and Sakura getting together has made you less of an ass." Ino commented as they both headed back to the village. Sasuke didn't want Ino walking back to the village by herself since half of her chakra was going to the child. He didn't say anything about her comment, but instead brought up a different one.

"So when do you find out what you're having. I remember Naruto and Hinata found out they were having a boy last month... and your about as far as Hinata was."

"Oh now that Sakura's pregnant you start wondering about all of us?" Ino asked with a chuckle. "I'm joking. But I decided... I don't want to find out until Sakura's back home... It's a silly reason, but Id rather find out with my best friend being present." Ino admitted. "Sai isn't upset with my reasoning.. but he really wants to know. And isn't Hinata having a boy?"

Sasuke nodded as they entered through the gates of the village. "I think it's really funny... that we all are pregnant about the same time... all of our children is going to be in the same grade... they all will grow up together, and hopefully not feel the pain and suffering that we all endured.." Ino murmured holding her stomach. "I want our children to grow up in a generation of love, not hate."

"Well... there can never be a mass execution of the Uchiha... so my child will already be one ahead of me." Sasuke muttered. Ino didn't think that comment was funny, but she didn't want to get on to him for it.

When they both walked past the hospital, there looked like there was a huge uproar on the inside. A crowd was forming at the entrance of the hospital, there was so much going on that Sasuke couldn't understand a word anyone was yelling. "Any idea what's going on?!" Sasuke yelled at Ino, she could hardly hear him over the sound of the craziness around them. She just shook her head.

"Ino!" Sai yelled, they both turned suddenly in the direction Sai was coming from.

"What's going on?" Ino asked as Sai pulled her into a hug.

"Come on, you don't want to know what's going on right now." Sai said pulling her away from the hospital, but his eyes were on Sasuke. The way he was looking at him made him think he didn't want Sasuke going in there either.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on." Ino snapped.

Sai sighed, and muttered "Stubborn pregnant lady..."

"I heard that!"

"Sakura was brought home a few minutes ago... the whole village was worried about her of course..." Sai then looked at Sasuke. "Suigetsu stated that her condition was almost critical, that he needed to get her out of the situation immediately. She hasn't had an okay amount of chakra in weeks, even months. It's going to affect the child. They were planning on stealing the child after it was born... Sasuke... They said that the child was the torch to the Uchiha clan... that kid is yours."

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