Chapter 13: Sarada Uchiha

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Sakura just watched Sasuke as he ran. She wasn't sure where he was taking her, but all she knew was she was sick to her stomach. She leaned her head against Sasuke, and closed her eyes. He glanced down at her, wondering to himself if she was alright. "Where are we going..?" Sakura whispered after a few moments.

"Somewhere where no one can bother us..." Sasuke murmured.

Sakura waited a few moments before she opened her eyes again, and when she did, they were at a complete stop. Her eyes wandered around, wondering where they were.

Their location was in a small house, a house she had never seen before. It was in the middle of the forest, on top of a cliff. "It's... where I stayed when I was gone.." Sasuke admitted, placing her down on his bed. "I'm trying to build it into a tower... but this is more or less it's state for right now."

Sakura looked around, she could see everything was a mess. She could tell that someone had been living here. "H-How are you planning on marrying me...?" Sakura asked a few moments later.

"Right now... I just want this to be between you and I." Sasuke murmured, kneeling on the ground beside her grasping her hands between his. "Words that are just between us. After you have our child..." Sasuke murmured, placing a hand on her stomach, "we'll make time to have an official wedding."

"Between you and I?" Sakura repeated. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... that after tonight, to me, you will be my wife. Nothing less. I want this to be something just our eyes can see, a special moment, after you have our child... we'll do something for the public. To please everyone. Let Naruto have a crazy stupid bachelor party planned, which I'll try to avoid of course, and let Ino have whatever you girls are supposed to have. Right now, I just want to please you and me."

"Okay...." Sakura murmured, looking Sasuke in the eyes.

"First... I want to apologize." Sasuke admitted, looking on the ground. "To you. For everything, from leaving the village to almost.... hurting you... so many times." Sasuke then looked up at her. "I never understood what you saw in me, Sakura. Everything that I did... I hated myself for how you felt. I couldn't allow you to love someone like me..." Sakura started to hush him, but he held his finger up. He needed this off of his chest. "But from here on out, I promise you you'll never see that man again. That man is long gone, and he'll never be thought of again after today. I know I never tell you this enough... But Sakura I love you. All of you. You've opened my eyes, and opened my heart. And I could never thank you enough for loving me through all of those hard years. I promise you.. I'll make up everything I did for the rest of my life loving you." He whispered, moving his hand from his stomach to her cheek. "And the little one as well."

"You mean our daughter.." Sakura whispered. She felt the tears coming on, she couldn't hold back not telling him anymore.

"Our.. daughter?" Sasuke repeated, looking down at her stomach. "Wh-when did you find this out?"

"When I was admitted into the hospital... the first thing they did was rush me into an ultrasound to see if the baby was okay... and when I glanced over at the screen.... I saw her. I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept trying to ask them what it was.... and everyone was too busy to respond. But I guess Tsunade heard me. She told me that I should be happy to know I have a baby girl...." Sakura murmured placing her hands on her stomach with Sasuke.

"Have an idea about a name?" Sasuke asked, moving up to sit next to her, pulling her close to him.

"I was thinking... I don't know... I wanted to keep an Sa name... Since we both start with an Sa... I wanted to make it out of letters in our name but I can't come up with anything..."

"Sa...Sa...." Sasuke just laughed softly to himself. "I can't think of anything that goes along with our names like that Sakura.."

"We'll think of something..." Sakura whispered. "And Sasuke..." She whispered glancing up at him. "I do."

"I do...?" He asked. Then slowly understood what that meant. "Sakura..."


"If you do.... than I do too..."

"Then it's settled." Sakura said, with a smile.

"I'm no longer the last Uchiha.." Sasuke said with a slight grin. "It's now you, me, and.... Sarada."

"Sa...Sarada?" Sakura said with a smile. "Sarada Uchiha... I like that..."

"So it's settled." Sasuke quoted. "The two women of my life now... Sakura and Sarada Uchiha..." Sasuke whispered, pulling Sakura into a kiss.

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