Chapter 4: The Last Uchiha

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Sakura awoke gasping, something made a noise in her house which woke her up immediately. She wasn't sure what it was. It sounded like a loud crash, as if someone fell on something. Her eyes flickered over to her clock, 2:35AM...

Sakura reached over the side of her bed and picked up her phone. She wasn't expecting to sleep in this late, what if Sasuke called? But when she turned her screen on; her phone was filled from miss calls from Ino and text messages, but none from Sasuke sadly.

She threw her phone to the side, not caring about what was on her phone at the moment, she was wondering what was going on in her house. She figured that if Sasuke came home he'd wake her up. But shouldn't he be home now?

She hesitated before climbing out of bed. She wasn't sure what she was going to find, or who she was going to find. She reached into her bag to pull out a kunai. Her heart pounded as she reached to open her bedroom door.

When Sakura quietly opened her door, she didn't move. She wondered what was going to happen if she just opened the door. She peeked out nervously. There was nothing in her hallway. She was honestly half expecting Sasuke to be right outside.

She walked quietly down the hall. Her steps were as quiet as a mouse. But she was on high alert. Waiting for a noise to give up what had happened. But nothing was in her living room either. Sakura then turned on the lights in her living room. "Hello?" She called. But nothing responded. Everything was just how she left it.

She sighed, walking into her kitchen. She flipped on the light without a thought; and then froze. When the light illuminated the room, there was a piece of paper folded on top of her kitchen table. "Huh..." She murmured walking to her table. She unfolded the note, and gasped.

You Can't hide the Last Uchiha forever Sakura

She tried to grasp what was going on. Why did someone think she was hiding him? She never even understood why he was always gone for so long. But hiding him? That was the last thing she wanted to do.

The sound of a door opening made Sakura jump and scream. She turned around, pulling her kunai out. But the unknown stranger who rounded the corner was actually Sasuke. "Sakura? Are you okay?" Sasuke asked as he came into her view. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Sakura ran over to Sasuke with tears brimming her eyes. She was so scared. Someone broke into her house, and left a note. A terrifying note.

"I... I don't know what's going on..." She murmured

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked, looking down at her. He was still trying to grasp the fact that he had someone to come home to, but now she was throwing herself at him with tears in her eyes. He wasn't used to this much emotion at one time. Was this what it was like being married? "Did something happen?"

Sakura shook her head. She knew she looked like a mess, but she didn't feel safe. She was glad that Sasuke was here now, because if she were to sleep at this home alone tonight she would had went to Ino's.

Sasuke looked at the note that was in her hand. It was still unfolded. Sakura could feel his heart thud hard and heavy against his chest. "Where did you get that?" He asked quietly taking the paper softly out of her hand and examining it, and rubbing her hair with his other hand. He wondered if this was a comforting gesture."Did someone give this to you?"

Sakura shook her head. "N...No. Someone came in and left it on the table... I don't know who..."

"Someone broke into the house then?" Sasuke asked, shocked. He was troubled. He left Sakura alone for all of this time; and now that hes back worse events were unfolding?

Sakura nodded. She pulled Sasuke closer, breathing in his scent. He still smelt like the woods, he even had a hint of a campfire scent. His hair was damp from the rain that was still pouring outside."I'll go talk to Kakashi.." Sasuke murmured trying to release himself from Sakura's grasp. "There is no way who ever did this is going to get away with this."

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