Chapter 9: Suigetsu to the Rescue

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Sasuke woke up in a daze. His head was pounding. He shifted himself up, instantly holding his head in his hands.

"So sleeping beauty finally awakes..." Naruto murmured. Sasuke snapped his head up, looking at Naruto with his arms crossed across the room from him. "I'm... sorry for knocking you out back there... we just didn't want you to do something you would regret."

Sasuke just stared at him. The anger inside of him was boiling. He couldn't get a hold of himself. An image of Karin holding the love of his life was burning in his mind. "Do you have any information about Karin? Sakura?"

Naruto smiled softly. "Believe it or not; yes. We do have a lead. Suigetsu!" Naruto called out side of the room. Sasuke flinched, not expecting that familiar name. "Sasuke's up if you want to talk to him!"

"Su...Suigetsu?" Sasuke murmured as he entered the room with a smile.

"The one and only." He said sitting on the edge of Sasuke's bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sasuke growled.

Naruto ran over to Sasuke's side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sasuke it's not what you think. Once word got out about Sakura's disappearance, he appeared telling us he'll help."

Sasuke calmed down, looking at Suigetsu with concern. He wasn't sure about what to say. He was fighting an internal war with himself. "I've never seen you so messed up kid." Suigetsu said. His expression grew saddened. "She was really something to you; wasn't she?"

Sasuke didn't say a word. He just looked at the ground. He felt like he failed. That he could had saved her. He should had stayed until she woke up. He should had made sure his phone was on him at all times.

"Sasuke beating yourself up isn't going to do anything." Naruto murmured. "Sakura's going to be okay... She's strong."

Sasuke looked up at Suigetsu. "What did Karin want? Did you know?"

"I'm not too sure if she acted on her own or not... I don't think Orochimaru is actually involved. I think she's acting on her own. But I can be wrong."

"Where in the world would she take her?" Sasuke demanded. "Give me every location that you know of."

"I can... go to about every location I can think of and check. None of them know that I'm here to be on your side. I think this is really stupid and immature that Karin won't leave you alone, especially fuck with your girlfriend,"

"Fiancée." Sasuke corrected.

"Fiancée? You put a ring on this girl?" Suigetsu murmured. "That might have been what pissed Karin off..." He then stood up. "Give me a few months; and I'll get her location so you can bring her home."

Sasuke just stared at Suigetsu. He didn't know if he could trust him that easily. This was Sakura... her future in his hands. He didn't think Karin would honestly kill her... but how crazy over him she is... he cringed. "What if you're too late..." Sasuke murmured softly.

Sasuke was looking at the ground when he murmured that, Suigetsu placed his hand on his shoulder. Sasuke flinched, looking up at him. "Sasuke just put your faith in someone..." Suigetsu told him. "Not everyone in this world is against you. I know you'll think that you can find her... but Karin knows that you would go find her. She doesn't know I'm here to help you. I owe you; and this is how I'm going to repay you. You gave me a life, and I'll save one for you."

Sasuke looked at Suigetsu. He had a valid point. And he hated to admit it. He just wanted to rip this world apart and find her already. Suigetsu's might be slow, but it will be more effective. "Fine..." Sasuke whispered.

"Fine what? Fine you'll let me?"

"I'll put my faith in you..."

"I'll bring her home soon Sasuke.." Suigetsu said with a smile. "You'll just have to distract yourself until then."

Sasuke nodded, watching Suigetsu run off. He didn't want to wait. All he honestly wanted to do was go kill Karin and steal his life back. He couldn't believe after a night like the last something like this would happen. He couldn't process the idea of Sakura being so mad at him.

What was going through her mind? The day after they had sex with each other/ , shit went down. Was she mad at him for this? Did she blame him for whatever was happening to her? Or was she even thinking about him? He sighed, punching his wall. He needed to go out and get some air.

Sasuke grabbed his cloak, throwing his hood up.  He hoped everyone who saw him understood that he didn't want to talk. When he walked outside, twilight had fallen. The lights were on throughout the village.

As he walked he walked past his friends, all of them with their significant other. Ino looked at him with a sad expression as he walked past. Sai looked at her curious about what was wrong.

"Why are you looking at Sasuke like that; is something wrong...?"

"Did you not hear about Sakura?"

"What happened?"

"She was kidnapped...."


Sasuke picked up the pace. Trying to ignore their words. He knew what they were thinking, how was she kidnapped? Why wasn't he able to protect her? To save her? Why did he fail her? Maybe he shouldn't had ever came back, Sakura would be safe.

Sasuke collapsed on his knees when he walked to their hide away, the lake. Just being there made him feel like her presence was around him. He felt like he was such a failure. He failed his family... and now he failed the love of his life. How was he going to be okay after this?

"Sasuke..." Naruto's voice murmured from behind. He didn't get up, he stayed looking down at the water. He glanced over at Naruto's reflection in the water behind him. "I knew I would find you here..."

Sasuke didn't move still, but Naruto sat down next to him. "It's pretty tonight... huh?" He asked. Sasuke couldn't figure out if he was talking to him or himself. "Sasuke I know how hard it is to go through what you're going through... trust me..." Sasuke remembered vaguely of something happening to Hinata while he was gone. "But you can't beat yourself up like this.... Beating yourself up isn't going to get you closer to finding Sakura..."

Sasuke didn't need to hear his words. He just felt his anger boiling inside of him. "You don't know anything..." Sasuke snapped. "You don't know how it feels to think you're a total failure like this. Sakura was just minutes from me! I shouldn't had left her last night!! I could had prevented this! That fucking red haired bitch stole my phone and texted her acting like she was me and... UGH!" Tears burned down Sasuke's face.

"I don't think I've seen you really cry before..." Naruto muttered wrapping an arm around Sasuke's shoulder. Sasuke shoved him to the side. Naruto sighed, standing up.

"Come on Sasuke..." Naruto said helping Sasuke up. "Lets get you distracted while Suigetsu finds her..."

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