Chapter 8: A Lost Love

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Sasuke stretched, moving himself away from his bed. He wasn't ready to leave the village quite yet. He just got back and he was already on the move again. He knew Sakura wasn't going to be quite happy with him, knowing that he left without saying anything. But he made sure he was going to drop by and say their goodbyes before he left. Packing quite literally slipped his mind until waking up at 7 in the morning.

Sasuke patted his pockets, wondering to himself where his phone was. He was wanting to text Sakura that he was about to go back to her to go to the lake so they could talk. Could he have possibly left it at Sakura's? He paused. No. He had it right before he left her house that morning. Maybe he dropped it when that man rushed past him that morning, he quite literally slammed into him. He tried to say something; but the man was gone in a flash. It may had been stolen...

He sighed, slugging his bag over his shoulder. He was just going to drop by and say goodbye. He was going to have to rush over there; because explaining why he left after a night like that was going to take over an hour anyways. He was hoping that Kakashi wasn't trying to get ahold of him.

When he locked up his house, he had a weird feeling. The wind was picking up; and something wasn't feeling right. He glanced up at the sky as a dark storm was starting to roll in. Great. He was going to have to travel in such horrendous weather. But it wasn't the storm that was setting him off, it was something else. Like a gut feeling. Something was not right at all.

He picked up the pace heading over to Sakura's house. When Sasuke finally got to Sakura's house, there was already a down pour. "Sakura!" Sasuke called pounding his fist against her door. "Sakura are you here?"

He waited a few minutes, and started to get worried when there was no response. Where could she had gone? He didn't think she worked today, and if she did have the day off and he was home she wasn't one to leave the house unless she was with him. He then decided to go for opening the door; which was unexpectedly unlocked. That's when he knew something was wrong. Sakura wasn't one to not lock up her home when she was away.

"Sakura?!" Sasuke cried running into her house. Everything in her living room was normal. There was nothing out of place, but he rushed into her bedroom. Hoping she was where he left her. He was hoping she was still asleep. But he knew that would be very unlikely.

When he opened her bedroom door, he froze. Her room was a mess, items were scattered everywhere. It was as if someone rummaged through her stuff, or she packed in a rush. Sasuke picked up her drawers that were on the floor, there was almost nothing in them. Everything was scattered on her floor. A few shirts, a dress, a sock, books were everywhere. The one thing that worried him was their pictures were gone. Sakura was big about taking pictures with Sasuke. She said it was for memory's sake; but he knew that she was wanting to show them to their future children, if they were to go far. To show them how in love they really were. To prove that she was married to her first and only love.

Sasuke jumped when he heard a buzzing sound, as if there was a phone in the room. He dug around on the floor, pulling out his phone that was in a pile of junk. What was this doing here?

When Sasuke flipped open his phone, he was shocked that there was a text sent from his phone telling Sakura to go to the lake. Sasuke then thought maybe that whoever broke into her house told Sakura to go to the lake to get her out of her house so they could steal items from her house.

Sasuke ran out of Sakura's room, and headed out of her house. He was eager to go find Sakura and to tell her what had happened to her room. But he still didn't understand why someone took her photos, was there really some cruel people in this world? But his run came to a halt when he ran into Naruto and Kakashi.

"Naruto!" Sasuke gasped. "Have you seen Sakura?"

"That's..." Kakashi cut Naruto off with his hand, waving him down.

"That's actually why we came here... actually." Kakashi said. "Until further notice; your mission that you were to go on is not happening."

Sasuke just looked at Kakashi, he wasn't known for stopping a mission unless something terrible was happening. "What happened to my Fiance..." Sasuke murmured. He wanted to inch his hand to his sword. He wanted something physical to attack. His anger was smothered in fear.

"What would you think Karin would want with Sakura...?" Kakashi murmured. Kairn? What did she have to do with any of this.

"I... I honestly wouldn't know... I don't keep up with them anymore. Why?"

"Because Sakura was reported to be knocked out in a red headed girls arms just this morning, they tried to catch up to her, but failed." Kakashi murmured, Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arms and pinned them to his sides. Everyone knew Sasuke was about to act irrationally.

Sasuke was wordless, he didn't know what to do. His mind raced. They couldn't catch up to Karin? They couldn't save her? He knew there was something they weren't telling him. "What the fuck.... you told me she was safe in this damn village!" Sasuke yelled. He pulled against Naruto, trying to free himself. "You told me to trust you damn it!"

"Naruto..." Kakashi murmured.

"I'm sorry Sasuke..." He mumbled from behind him.

The last thing Sasuke remembered was Naruto hitting the back of his neck.

So I guess this is how Sakura felt...

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