Chapter 12: Family Time

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Everything happened in a blur, Sasuke felt like everything was passing him in a haze. He wasn't being reckless when he passed by the crowd. He honestly just walked into them, and they moved. When Sasuke entered the crowd, they all grew silent. No one said a word. They all just watched him. The unexpected father.

When he entered through the double doors of the hospital, nothing was going in slow motion there. Everything was fast paced, almost a race. "Uchiha!" He heard someone call, he sharply turned to face Tsunade. She didn't look pleased with him, probably thinking about how her star student was now pregnant by a traitor, and the guy who tried to kill her plenty of times. "She's down the hall, four doors to your right. Don't let anyone else in with you unless I let them in myself."

Sasuke didn't even think twice after she informed him where she was, he rushed past everything down the hall, until he got to the fourth door on the right. And he stopped. His hand was rested on the door, but he couldn't bring himself to opening it. He didn't know if he could face her, the woman he failed. His heart was pounding. He wasn't even the one who brought her home. Suigetsu did... he would have to thank him for that later.

"Are you okay Sasuke..?" Shizune asked from behind him, he didn't turn to face her. "You're at Sakura's room if you're ready to go see her." She said. Sasuke still didn't say a word. He didn't want Shizune to see him right now... only Sakura.

Sasuke flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Sasuke... seriously are you okay?"

"I...Is she okay?" He whispered. He turned to look at her slightly.

"O-Of course she's okay." Shizune said with a smile. "Tsunade knows better not to let you in if she wasn't, you'd raise terror in the place. We just had to help her get her chakra level stable and check on the baby..." Shizune then turned Sasuke to look at her. "And Sasuke... all of us are pretty sure that child is yours.. are you excited?"

Sasuke looked at the door, then back at Shizune. He didn't know if he should answer truthfully or not. "H-Honestly? I'm terrified." He whispered. "I'm no Naruto... I don't have those natural fatherly instincts. I don't even know if I'm ready to face Sakura yet... let alone..."

"Just shut up and go through that door." Shizune said pushing Sasuke into the door. "I'll make sure you won't leave this hospital until you see her, she's been asking about you."

Sasuke turned to the door again, sighing. He never felt so scared before in his life, facing the love of his life that he failed, and now seeing her pregnant. It was nerve wrecking. "Don't make me go get Naruto..."

Sasuke then clicked the door open, and walked through having his eyes closed. He was expecting an hello... or something along those lines. But when he entered, he heard soft snoring. Sakura was asleep.

The door closed behind him, he wasn't sure at first if Shizune entered the room with him, but after a few minutes of only the sounds of Sakura snoring, he realized they were both completely alone.

Sasuke opened his eyes. He saw Sakura curled to her side under a blanket, he couldn't see her stomach. But it looked like she was cradling it in her sleep. Her pink hair was a mess, and a little longer than it was. Sasuke walked over to the side of her bed, wondering if he sat down beside her if he would wake her up.

Sasuke sat down on her bed beside her. She shifted a little in her sleep, but didn't wake up. But a few minutes later, she flinched. "Wh...Who's there!" Sakura yelled. But then paused a minute, and turned back on her side. "Oh..." She muttered. "I'm at the hospital now... hopefully no one heard me..."

"And that's when you're wrong." Sasuke said smiling softly.

Sakura's eyes flashed open. "Sa...Sasuke?" She whispered softly.

Sasuke just smiled at her softly. Tears started to pour down her face. She leaned up to hug him, but he stopped her. She flinched, then noticed he could see her stomach. She wanted to throw the covers over herself again, but Sasuke grabbed her hand before she could.

"How far along are you now...?" He asked. She could tell that he didn't look mad, but she still wasn't too sure about how he felt about her child.

"Four... four months... a little over four in a half months." Sakura whispered. She saw Sasuke doing the math in his head.

"You know... even if this child wasn't mine... I would had stayed... right?" Sakura looked up at him, shocked.

"Yo..You think that this isn't yo-"

"Let me finish." Sasuke said cutting her off. "I went months... thinking you were gone. No one knew about what we had done. So when the news broke out that you were found pregnant.... everyone thought you were raped. I was the only one for a bit who knew there was a chance that was my child, and now everyone out there knows that you're carrying my name inside of you." Sasuke said with a slight laugh.

"I know this is about a few months too late... but congratulations? You're a father.." Sakura said with a smile. Sasuke moved his hands down  to her stomach, placing his hands on his child for the first time.

"Wh..when did you find out..?" Sasuke moved closer to Sakura on the bed, and kept a hand on her stomach. "When did you find out you were pregnant?"

"Kairn could sense my chakra not going to just me... apparently chakra moves around in a person differently when you're pregnant. She then had a plan to take our child... and raise it herself... then she was going to return me to you..." Tears brimmed her eyes again. "the last thing she said before we got away was... that I can't hide my child forever..."

"Nothing is going to happen to you two... not now not ever. You both are mine." Sasuke growled holding Sakura close. "You two are my only family, and I'll go through hell and back to keep you both safe."

Sakura smiled softly at Sasuke. Then gasped as he picked her up. "Wh...What are you doing?!" She whispered when he moved to the window and opened it. Was he seriously about to take her out of the hospital.

Sasuke didn't say a word for a moment, he thought maybe he should keep his plan a secret. And also thought about Tsunade's anger when she found out Sasuke took her out of the hospital. But this was something he needed to do.. something he should had done a long time ago.

"I'm taking you... to do something I should had done a long time ago.." Sasuke whispered, looking down at her left hand noticing his engagement ring was still on her finger. Once he jumped out the window with Sakura in his arms, he noticed there were a few people from the crowed looking at them. But he didn't care.

"Where are we going..?" Sakura asked a few moments later as Sasuke ran.

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