Chapter 5: Intruder Alert

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Sakura just looked at Sasuke. Words escaped her. She knew he was blunt; but never this blunt. She remembered Sasuke noted about girls taking marriage proposals as a big deal. But this.... she didn't know what to think about this."Wh...What?" She breathed.

"I want you to be my wife.." Sasuke muttered, looking at the ground. He felt the heat start to rise to his cheeks. "I know this must be the shittiest marriage proposals that you could ever think of. But I wouldn't have it any other way, you've always wanted me to talk. To tell you what is on my mind. And this is it. I want to marry you."

"Why now?" She asked automatically. Their relationship wasn't something everyone knew for the longest time. Sakura wasn't too sure just a few months ago when it was time to tell Tsunade. She felt that Sasuke was still someone they all couldn't really trust, but she understood when they talked. But she still wasn't happy with the idea.

"I... I've been trying to figure out how I was wanting to ask." Sasuke murmured. He looked up at her and pulled out the small black box that made his pocket feel like it weighed 1,000 pounds. He was so nervous about all of this. "And I decided.... that you my dear, yes you, are the only thing that's scared me this much in my whole life."

"I scare you?" Sakura asked with a shaky laugh. She didn't know how to feel about this information. Why was the ability to scare him enough of a motive to ask her?

"Yes.... just being absence from your presence is enough to drive me insane." He admitted softly. "You can read my mind just in mere seconds. I've never met a single soul who's been... that much in sync with me." Sasuke then dropped down on one knee. Sakura felt like the world around her was spinning, she couldn't breath.. "And I don't think I can let someone with that much power over me slip away..." He flipped open the box. "Will you marry me?"

Sakura froze. She never, in a million years, thought Sasuke would actually propose to her. Was this actually happening? She had to remind herself to breath. She couldn't let herself pass out like Hinata did. Her eyes were on him, his face, his everything. He was so handsome, it hurt. She couldn't believe that her first ever love was the man who was on his knee today.

"Sasuke of c-"

A loud bang cut Sakura off from her sentence. It was the same crashing bang that had woke her up that last night. Sakura felt her skin grow cold as she jumped.

"What was that?" Sasuke growled running down stairs.

"Sasuke no!" Sakura screamed. "That's the same noise!" She ran after him down stairs.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Sasuke murmured when Sakura made it down stairs. She waited before walking into the kitchen after him. She sensed there was another person in the room.

"Well I didn't think I would figure out exactly how they got in." Naruto's voice answered with hard breathing. "That window isn't secure, we'll have to look into getting that fixed. I was just testing all points of access into the house, not actually expecting to find a weak one."

Sakura breathed out a sigh of relief. She rounded the corner and about punched Naruto. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Sakura yelled grabbing him by his collar. "THAT WAS THE EXACT SOUND I WOKE UP TO AND YOU JUST GO AND MAKE IT AGAIN! YOU'RE LUCKY IT WAS SASUKE WHO FOUND YOU AND NOT ME! I WOULD HAD KILLED YOU!"

Sasuke laughed silently as Naruto looked at her with fear. This is why I love her.

"Aye! I'm sorry Sakura I didn't expect to find this!" He said. He tried to release himself from her grasp.

Sasuke held his hand on her shoulder. "Sakura..." He murmured softly. Sakura hesitated, then released Naruto.

"YOU CAN CONTROL THAT BEAST!?" Naruto gasped when he finally was released. Sakura laughed softly as Sasuke grinned at her.

"I guess I can... huh that's new." He murmured. She looked up at him with a smile. "She's like a cat. Evil when she doesn't like you; but loving and cuddly when she likes you."

"Or when you have food." Naruto grumbled adjusting his shirt.

"So how's things been with you?" Sasuke asked glancing over at Naruto. "I heard the news; I suppose a congratulations is needed?"Naruto looked at Sasuke confused, then realized what he was talking about. "OH! You mean the baby!"

Sasuke then looked at Naruto with a blank face. A baby? "N...No.... Becoming Hokage soon." He muttered. "A...A baby? You and Hinata.... You guys are having a child?" Naruto nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep! Hinata's only two months pregnant. We are pretty pumped!"

"I guess two congratulations are needed then... well... congrats on getting your dream... and also... for actually having sex." Sakura bursted out laughing when Sasuke had said that.

Naruto rambled on about events, but Sasuke and Sakura kept glancing at eachother. Sakura didn't know why he was looking at her like that. But she couldn't help but smile everytime he looked at her.

"Are you even listening to me?" Naruto asked, pulling them both out of their thoughts of each other.

"Uh..." Sakura then blushed. "Say again?"

"If you're going to picture each other naked, at least wait until I'm gone." Naruto said with a joking tone. Sasuke glared at him, knowing that he knew that he didn't like his relationship being so easily joked about, but Sakura wasn't holding back.

"Well I mean this is my house," Sakura countered. "I could strip him right now, and you can't do anything about it."

"GAH!" Naruto then started acting like he was joking, but Sakura laughed. "I didn't need to picture that..."

"So what were you saying?" Sasuke asked, hoping they would drop the subject.

"We did have some of a lead on what happened." Naruto stated, looking at Sasuke. "And I don't think any of you are going to like this..."

"What?" Sakura asked.

"We think Taka is involved, trying to scare you. Because there has been reports about a red haired girl with glasses around the village."

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