Chapter 3: The Phone Call

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"The one and only..." He murmured into the phone.

"He...Hey..." She whispered. Her heart fluttered, she couldn't believe he actually called her back.

"Hello..." He murmured quietly. "How are you..?"

"I... I'm okay. Where are you?" She asked suddenly. Sakura turned back and ran to her bathroom to shut her water off.

"I'm a few miles out of Konoha... I should be back by nightfall." He murmured, she heard the wind through the phone from outside.

"Only a few?" She answered, laughing softly. She felt like she could jump up and down with excitement. He was going to be home by tonight!!

"Are you home?" Sasuke asked, disregarding her question.

"Ye... Yeah I'm home... I'll even be here probably when you get here."

"Good...." He murmured lovingly. She missed hearing the softness in his voice when he was talking to her, actually she really missed just hearing his voice.

"I... I'm sorry I never called you. A lot of things came up. You're actually not going to be too happy with my condition..." He said, laughing nervously.

"Is that part of the reason you're coming home early?" She asked, running her hands nervously through her hair.

"Part." He admitted. "Another part is that... I can't wait to see you." He murmured. He missed her! He actually kind of admitted it. "This was a long seven months..."

"Tell me about it..." Sakura murmured, cupping the phone closer to her mouth. "It felt a lot longer than seven months, maybe a year or two..."

"Or three..." Sasuke added. Sakura and Sasuke grew quiet, the only thing Sakura heard was the sound of wind blowing through the phone. "I'll see you in a few hours.. I need to go if I want to get home as fast as I can." Sasuke said reluctantly. "I'll see you then." Then the phone grew silent.

Sakura checked her screen, confirming that he hung up on her. There was so much Sakura was ready to tell Sasuke, about how Hinata was now pregnant. Sasuke was going to be even shocked that Naruto got somewhere with her. That Ino and Sai were now a thing, actually she wanted to tell him about all of the relationships that she witnessed blossom.

Sakura laid in bed after she got dressed in some of her nicer clothes. She was too excited to do anything. All she wanted to do was wait for him.

But the sleepless night from before was starting to get to her, as she was trying to fight the sleep. She closed her eyes, then quickly opened them.

But then after a while, the sleep ended up winning.

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