Chapter 10: An Update on Sakura

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Sasuke laid restless in his bed. Images from the nightmares of Sakura were running through his head. Being separated from Sakura was a normal thing, he took it so normally, that it was an everyday thing that he had grown accustomed to. Maybe it was not knowing where she was that was getting to him.

His phone buzzed, he jumped up to eagerly check it. But it was a notification that he needed to connect his phone to his charger. Damn. He threw his phone back on his dresser, but then hesitated. If he was ever going to get a text message from Suigetsu... it would probably happen if he was careless and let his phone die. He sighed, plugging his phone up. He wasn't willing to find out.

It's been four months Suigetsu...

Sasuke messaged Suigetsu about everyday. Informing him about his dreams, worrying they would become a reality. He always would dream that he would be the one to find her, but when he found her she was dead. Karin smiled evilly at him, holding her lifeless body. Asking who was stronger now.

Suigetsu would always reply, trying to change the subject. He always warned Sasuke if he messaged him too often; things could go wrong. But the past few weeks Sasuke hadn't send Suigetsu a message, he informed him he found Karin. And Sakura was soon to follow.

His phone never left his side when he was informed that he was near Karin. He knew Sakura was so close now. He wanted to be informed the moment Sakura was found so he could retrieve her.

"Any news?" Naruto asked from across his room. Sasuke jumped, forgetting that he had stayed the night with him last night. His mind was filled with so many different thoughts, he forgot. Does he always like startling me like this?

"Mm..... No..."

Naruto sighed, looking at the ground. He always felt like he was defeated when they talk about Sakura, that he failed a friend. He forgot that Naruto always treated her as a sister. "I don't know how you handle this man... if this was Hinata... and she was gone this long.... Ugh!" Naruto flopped back on to the bed Sasuke had pulled out for him. "It's like you're waiting for a phone call you may or may not ever pick up... it's dreadful."

"Suigetsu said he found Karin, it's just getting the information about Sakura that's going to be the hard part. Karin can't know that he knows she has Sakura." Sasuke said standing up from his bed stretching.

"Why can't Suigetsu just leave it to us to beat the information about Sakura out of her? That bitch deserves more than just a beating..." Sasuke shrugged; on the inside he agreed with Naruto, she deserved a Katana in the throat; and that was putting it lightly. But he couldn't let his feelings get the best of him again.

"It's been four months... hopefully nothing bad has happened to her..." Naruto muttered. Sasuke wasn't sure if that was supposed to be to him, or himself. "What was the last thing you said to her before this all happened?" Naruto asked out of curiosity.

"We didn't... really say anything..." Sasuke started. He was hesitant. He wasn't much for giving out things about his personal life. What happened between him and Sakura was to stay between him and Sakura. No one else really needed to know unless absolutely necessary. "We went to the lake... had a conversation there... and then we went back to Sakura's house... I stayed with her until early morning. And I guess between me leaving and heading home was when something happened to her."

"Wow... so she didn't see you at all that morning?" Naruto asked. He finally got out of bed and started getting dressed.

"N-No. I had to get packed for the mission Kakashi was sending me on. I was going to head back to her house before I left to say goodbye. But Karin, I guess, stole my phone and messaged her to meet her, acting like me, at the lake. I don't know what happened after that. But I found my phone at the lake."

Naruto nodded. But then jumped as his phone buzzed in his pocket. "Who in the world would be calling me this early..." Naruto murmured, the ID was unknown. But Naruto was known to pick up unknown calls. "Hello?"

Sasuke watched Naruto, wondering who was on the phone with him. "Oh hey! Why aren't you- ........... oh okay........ What would that be?"  By Naruto's expression, he could see that he recognized who he was talking to. "You can't be fucking serious. So you want ME to talk to him about this?!" Sasuke was getting a bad feeling that they were talking about himself, who ever was on the other line anyways. "You're literally giving me my funeral... why couldn't you call... oh yeah... it's better for me to ask?..." Naruto then sighed. "Okay.... well I'll call you back if there's any information over why she could be... yeah. Okay. Bye."

Naruto flipped his phone closed, keeping his eyes on Sasuke. "S..Sasuke...?" Naruto stammered. "We need to talk."

Sasuke just looked at him. If he was going to give him any bad information, he was ready to go kill Suigetsu himself. He would had rather been told the information before anyone else. "About."

"What happened between you two the night before she left."

Sasuke flinched, not really expecting that one. He was expecting hearing something over the lines of, Sakura's hurt. Or something bad has happened and she's not with Karin. "Okay. Why?"

"There's... something wrong with Sakura... that could lead to why she may have been kidnapped... or something worse if your story doesn't lineup." Naruto walked over to Sasuke's bed and sat down. His expression was wordless, that he didn't know how to tell him.

"Naruto... speak..." Sasuke walked over to the wall across from Naruto, leaning against it. He crossed his arms, trying to control himself.

"Suigetsu found Sakura... she's alive. But she doesn't seem to have a conscience memory. He said she was hard to have a conversation with, that she really didn't recognize him. But that's not the reason he called me..." Naruto took a deep breath. "He called me... because... he wasn't sure if Sakura was raped or not."

Sasuke looked at him. He wanted to flip out, punch something. Anything. "Why... Why would he wonder that. If Karin is holding her hostage... I don't want to picture that.... But there can be other guys around."

"It couldn't had been a girl...." Naruto walked over to Sasuke, placing an arm on his shoulder. "Sasuke... please tell me it was you..."

"I didn't rape Sakura..." Sasuke snapped at Naruto.

"No... I meant that you were the one... well... who got Sakura pregnant."

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