Chapter 7: Red Headed Nightmare

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Sakura awoke the next morning, she felt sore. Her body ached, but she didn't mind. She couldn't believe what had happened the night before. She couldn't believe that it had happened. She ran her hands over her arms, she felt as if he was still there, holding her.

She turned over, looking for him. Her hand moved over where he was earlier, but only found empty sheets. She opened her eyes, looking for him. "Sa...Sasuke?" She said loudly.  

She sat up, running a hand through her hair. Wondering to herself where he could be. She glanced swiftly over at her alarm; it was only 8 in the morning. Could he have left without saying goodbye?

Sakura sighed, getting out of bed in a rush. There wasn't any obvious signs that he was even there the night before. His side of the bed was neatly made; there was no sign of him.

Her phone buzzed at the side of her bed, she eagerly ran over and flipped it open. Maybe he sent her a message explaining himself. But the message was the same as the day before's.  

Meet me down by the lake?-S

Sakura sighed, frustrated why he didn't just come back home. Why didn't he just come back and explain why he left? But she then got dressed; eager to see him off. At least he was going to say goodbye before he left.

When Sakura left her house, she had a growing funny feeling in her stomach. She wasn't sure what was up. The feeling grew worse when she arrived at the lake; Sasuke was no where to be seen.

She sat down next to the water, dipping her feet into the water. She tried to pull her thoughts away from her gut feeling to the relaxation of the scenery around her. She then glanced behind her,A noise in the bushes made her turn with a smile. "Sasuke there you-" She cut herself off. She wasn't looking at someone with black hair, she was looking at someone with bright red hair. Karin.

"Hello again.." She murmured casually, as if she was a long lost friend instead of an enemy. "What brings you to these neck of the woods?"

Sakura stayed silent, she knew that if she told her that Sasuke was going to be here, she could possibly do something irrational. Sasuke was going to be here soon, so she had nothing to worry about. "No...Nothing." She finally answered. "I just wanted to get some time to myself."

"Nothing eh?" She said crossing her arms. "So you decided to come here all by yourself? No one else with you?" She then had an evil smirk cross her face. "Or a text message suggesting you to come here?"

Sakura felt ice cold. Did something happen to Sasuke? Was she here first? "D...What did you do to him?" She hissed under her breath.

"Oh I didn't do anything to him." Karin said with a smile. She then kicked an object in Sakura's direction. She glanced down; it was his phone. "Or at least... I didn't."

Sakura wanted to scream, she needed help. She wasn't sure what Karin was planning, or how many people were actually around. "Wh...What do you want...?" Sakura whispered. Her whole body was shaking in fear.

"Now now Sakura. There's nothing I want with you; honestly I would rather have killed you now. But I was told to come to you with this offer..." She said with a smile. "An other that will insure that your 'oh so precious Sasuke' will be returned home safely."

Sakura took in a deep breath. She wasn't sure if this was a trap. Was Sasuke actually okay and she some how got his phone? Or was he truly in danger? Sakura knew she wasn't ready to find out if he wasn't. "And that is?"

"Orochimaru is in need of medical attention, attention that I am not skilled enough to give. We've heard rumors that you were a high enough skill level that you could save him," then Karin gave Sakura a death look, "Sasuke wouldn't be with just anyone; you know..."

Sakura took that as an insult, suggesting that she is expecting her not to live up to her title. "And what if I decide not to help?" Sakura asked.

"Then don't expect to see your Sasuke ever again. Orochimaru already has the brainwash process started, and once it's finished, Sasuke won't see you as his girlfriend, or the village as a friend. You all will be his enemy." Karin said, the evil smirk never was removed.

"How long do I have to decide?" Sakura asked, she felt her heart start to race. Fear was pulsing through her body. She had to decide to believe her or not, and find out what consequences she were to face  based off each decision.

"Not long." Karin admitted. "You arent leaving anywhere. Once you leave this area, you've made your decision."


Sorry it's such a short chapter- But after this it'll be in Sasuke's view!!

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