Chapter 6: Do you Love Me?

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Sakura laid in bed later on that day. Her mind raced, wondering what Taka was planning. She knew Sasuke no longer had affiliation with them, and they actually tried getting him back before. Suigetsu did warn them that he wouldn't be safe for forever, but she felt like that was just a few months ago. But in reality it was over a year.

She sighed, rolling over. Sasuke hadn't been home much that day. As soon as Naruto gave him that information about Karin, they both charged off. He promised her that he would be home later, but she wasn't too sure. When he gets worked up he doesn't stop.

Her phone buzzed with a text message, it was from Sasuke.

Meet me down by the lake?-S

She smiled softly, leaning up from her bed. The lake was their go away place when things were getting crazy and they couldn't find time to see each other. Not a lot of people knew about this secret hideaway. But sometimes, he carried bad news with him when they went there.

Sakura was there within minutes, wondering where he was. She sat at the water's edge, removing her shoes and dipping her feet into the water waiting for him. She loved the feeling of water between her toes.

She waited patiently. She never wanted to message him and ask him how long he was going to be, she still hates the idea of annoying him.

Sakura glanced up, looking that the cherry blossom trees that were just starting to bloom. She loved this time of year, the breeze was warm and relaxing, it was just her kind of weather.

"Sakura..." Sasuke's voice murmured from behind her, she felt his warm arms wrap around her waist. "How have you been this morning?" He asked soothingly.

"I've been okay.." She said glancing up at him, his face was just inches away from hers. She liked that he didn't have to keep his distance from her anymore. That being with her was almost as natural as breathing. "Long, but okay."

"Hn..." He then removed his arms from her and shifted down beside her. He was staring out at the lake. He was expressionless. She couldn't figure out what was on his mind at that moment. But she had a gut feeling that it wasn't all too good.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked. She leaned against him, pulling his gaze from the lake to her. His arm wrapped around her shoulder as he looked down at her. His expression wasn't warm and loving as it usually was, it was almost blank.

"I've... been better..." He answered looking back at the lake. "I just can't believe someone broke into your house.... and now Karin has been seen lurking around the village..." He clenched his hand on her shoulder. Sakura rubbed it soothingly, until he relaxed it and grabbed hers.

"It's going to be okay Sasuke... you're here now... and I know you're not going to let anything happen to me." She said smiling, trying to reassure him that everything is going to be alright.

"That's the sad part." Sasuke said. Sakura glanced up at him questionably. What was so sad about that? "I won't be here much longer. Kakashi needs me to go on another mission again. I tried fighting him all day about it... but he won't budge. He's trying to reassure me that everything was going to be okay, that nothing will happen to you inside the village. But things have already happened. They already broke into your house. Was that supposed to mean they slipped up?" Sasuke growled clenching his fists again. "And lets say they slip up again, maybe next time we won't be so lucky! Maybe next time you'll get hurt... or even ki-"

"Sasuke calm down..." Sakura said cutting him off. "Please don't forget I'm a Kunochi... I can defend myself..." She murmured.

Sakura could feel Sasuke relax against her. "That's not what I mean..." He murmured. "I know you're a Kunochi... but it sucks that your fiance can't even stay to protect you.."

"Oh so you're my fiance now? When did I ever say yes?" Sakura asked with a sly smirk.

"Back in your room?" Sasuke was now confused, she could see a slight sense of fear in his eyes.

"Oh back where that idiot Naruto cut me off before I got all gushy and stuff?" Sasuke then snickered softly and pulled out the ring that was in his pocket, he never separated himself from that thing, did he?

"Well let me fix that..." Sasuke murmured getting on one knee again. "Sakura will yo-"

"Yes." Sakura said cutting him off. "We don't need me getting all teary eyed again.... I don't even know how much time I get with you."

Sasuke stood up and grabbed her left hand, slipping the ring on her ring finger. "You'll have me from tonight till the morning.." Sasuke murmured pressing his lips against her forehead. "I at least asked him to give me that.

"Do you want to go back to my house?" Sakura asked. "I can make you dinner or something..."

"I want to try something..." Sasuke admitted, picking her up. "But I'm not going to tell you until you're ready."

"Ready? For what?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Sasuke said as he started running back to her house.

"Mean..." She muttered under her breath, but Sasuke's smile showed he understood what she said.

When they arrived to her house, they were both looking at eachother. Silence surrounded them. She opened her mouth, then closed it again. She wasn't too sure what to say. What was he talking about? Trying something?

"You're not ready..." He murmured suddenly. Placing her back on the ground. She didn't know what to think. What was looking at her going to answer?

"What do you mean?" She asked. "I'm not ready? How? For what?"

Sasuke's eyes went over her. He was looking for the words to say. He didn't want to be so blunt, but he also had no other way to tell her. "I was thinking about..." Sasuke made eye contact with her. "Why do you love me?" He asked suddenly.

"Wh...What?" Sakura stuttered. She was shocked with such a harsh question. "That isn't what you were talking about."

"What makes me so damn special? I'm not special. The only thing that stands me out from this damn world is that I'm the last Uchiha. Now talk." He said crossing his arms.

Sakura blinked a few times. She was trying to refrain from crying. But the tears came pouring out. Why was he being so cruel? Where did all of his feelings go from earlier?

Sasuke sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He crossed over to Sakura and wrapped his arms around her. "I... I didn't think that would make you cry.." He admitted softly. "I just... want to make sure you're not making a mistake."

"What do you mean Sasuke... I do love you. Every inch of me loves you. When I was younger? No. I will admit I didn't love you. What I had then was mere infatuation. I was obsessed with you. Your looks, your strength; It wasn't until you left where I started to realize that I was falling in love with you. I wanted to save you; you. It wasn't just about your looks, it wasn't about your strength; and it wasn't even the fact that you were the last Uchiha. It was you. Your soul. Even if it meant you would never be mine. Even if it meant I would have to kill you. And you want to know why? Because I was so in love with you; it was killing me."

Sakura waited quietly, wondering what Sasuke was going to do. Sasuke just looked at her. "Even if falling in love with me is against your parents will?" He asked.

"Fuck what my mother thinks!" Sakura yelled. "She thinks that you killed me. That's why she hates you. I don't care Sasuke! Don't you realize this? I couldn't give a damn even if everyone in the village hated me because of falling in love with you! I was already shamed by them before for loving you while you were gone. And I'll proudly love you even if they still felt the same."

Sasuke pressed his lips against hers, he didn't want her to say more. His arms reached for her. Pulling her closer to him. "You're ready..." He murmured softly into her ear.

"For?" She gasped.

"Me.." He murmured in her ear, pulling her with him to the bedroom.

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