08| Please don't tell

15 1 0

When me and Caleb walk inside my house, we see our moms on the couch, and they in fact did have a glass of wine in one of their hands.

"How was school?" Kate asks.

"Good." I tell them.

"I got invited to a party this Friday." Caleb says.

"Not a party, it's Coreys bonfire." I expose.

"Don't worry, Morgan has gone to that party every year since she was in middle school." My Mom says. "Caleb will be safe."

"It's cool that you two have the same friends." Kate says. "And Caleb, Adam's coming down on Saturday for the night."


"You meet my friends, now I get to meet your brother."

"Yeah, come here." He says and basically drags me upstairs to my room. "Adam doesn't know I'm going to be doing chemo again."

"When did you last talk to him?"

"A while ago. Maybe a month give or take."

"I can be there with you if you want?"

"No, I can do it myself." He says. The Hall's walk away and leaves me and my Mom.

The next morning, I get dressed in a white hoodie and black leggings. When I leave to get Caleb, I see him sitting on his front porch.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and walk up. I see him with a cigarette bud in his hand.

"Waiting." He says and I snatch it out of his hand. I throw it on the ground and he looks at me with a 'wtf' look.

"Let's go." We get in the car and pick up Ashley.

"He's here again?" She asks as she sits in the back.

"Shut up and get in." I tell her. The whole way there we listen to Ashley complain about everything. "Caleb I'll meet you inside." I say and basically throw him out of the car.

"Not this again." Ashley mumbles.

"I'm not picking you up tomorrow." I tell her and she looks at me confused.


"You're acting like a asshole to Caleb, and he's new. Just give him some time,"

"I won't like him. Trust me."

"You are such a bitch. He just started at a new school with new people and now he has to deal with you on top of having to do chemotherapy again and-" I start to say before covering my mouth with my hand.

I'm so dumb.

"He has cancer?" Ashley asks with her eyes wide. "No wonder you're friends with him."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You had cancer and he has cancer."

"So?" I ask.

"You were at your lowest when you were sick and he's sick now?" She says and shrugs but I sit there dumbfounded. "He's vulnerable, Morg."

"You bastard." I almost yell. "You can not tell anyone I told you, okay? Not even Caleb. Hell never trust me again."

"Is he going to be bald in school? I think people will stare like when you lost your hair."

"Yes, and don't bring that up!" I yell. "Promise, you won't tell anyone."

"Okay. I won't." She say and we both get out.

After school, me and Caleb quickly get to my car before driving home without Ashley.

"So we're just leaving Ashley behind?" He asks.



"Promise not to be mad?"

"Sure." Caleb says worriedly.

"We got into a fight, and I accidentally told her about your cancer."


"She swore she wouldn't tell anyone!" I tell him. "I'm so sorry, I was defending you when it slipped out. But maybe now she will be nicer to you."

"Whatever." He says and looks away from me. The ride home is quiet, and when we get home he walks back to his house.

I fucked up.

My eyes start to get glossy, and I quickly walk inside.

"Where's Caleb?" My mom asks, and I break down.

"I'm so stupid." I say and hug her.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I told Ash. I told her about Caleb and now he's mad." I whine.

"He will get over it." She tells me. "Just give him a little bit of time."

I don't say anything, but I let go and walk upstairs. I lay down for a while, until my phone goes off.

I roll around and check it, hoping it's Caleb.
But it's Ashley.

I put my phone down face down and roll over again.

I'm so dumb.

Why did I tell her?

Ash didn't need to know.

Will Caleb ever forgive me?

Did Ashley tell anyone?

His last thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now