14| Adam

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The next day I wake up and my mom walks in the room. She sits down next to me and starts gently rubbing my back.

"It's 2 pm." She says. "Kate told me that Caleb is upset, he won't talk to her."

"He got upset because I got upset because he kept on using the fact that he has cancer as an excuse for things, so I told him how I felt about it, but he got mad." I explain. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I think this was just a misunderstanding, okay? I'll talk to Kate." She says and stands up. "You should just talk to him, okay?"

She walks out and I look at my phone. There was a missed call from Caleb, and my heart skipped a beat.

I call him back and there was no answer, so I just walk downstairs and pour myself a cup of coffee with what was left over in the pot. I walk outside to the driveway and see Caleb sitting in his driveway. I look at him, and quickly run through my head if I should go talk to him or not. He was wearing a white hoodie and plaid pj pants. I look over there again and see him blow some smoke into the air, and I quickly walk overt there.

"She's awake." he says with a duh tone and puts his bud out in the grass next to him.

"Why are you smoking?" I ask and cross my arms.

"So now you care about me getting sick?"

"This, and what happened last night are two different things."


"Yes." I say and put my arms down by my side. "I hate excuses. That's why I was upset, and you tried to one up me when I was telling you about something that was bothering me. I hate that too."

"Okay. I'm sorry." He was and I look at him confused.

"Thanks." I say and sit next to him. "You are going to get sick, and your lungs are going to be the things that kill you, not the tumor."

"You think this is going to kill me?"

I look at him blankly and just sigh. "I think that you shouldn't be doing something that could jeopardize your health so much. I've told you this."

"Yeah." Caleb says and sighs. "My brothers here. He got here this morning; he was late and stayed at a hotel last night."

"Your brother Adam?" I ask and he nods. "Have you talked?"

"We said 'Hi', basically." He tells me. "I think my mom told him about the chemo, he's not looking at me the same." Caleb pulls his knees to his chest and rests his head on his knees.

I put my arm around his neck and squeeze his shoulder. "Did you ask him? You know, if he knows?"

"I don't want to know if he knows." He says and lifts his head up. "But I'm going to find out."

"Yeah." I say and drop my hand. "Will you tell me?"

Caleb just nods, and he stands up.

"I'll text you, but I should go back in." He says and walks inside before I can say anything. I hear 'Adam' ask him "Is that your girlfriend?"

Caleb mumbles something that I don't understand, and I walk back to my house. When I get back inside, my mom is in her den working on something on her desk.

"Caleb doesn't like Adam." I tell her.

"What?" She says and puts down the pad of paper  she was holding down.

"Adam, Caleb's brother." I say and sit next to her on another chair. "Caleb's acting off today, and I think it's about Adam. I don't know what to do."

"Good thing they're having us over for dinner."

"What?!" I almost scream. "We can't do that."

"Well we are." She says and stands up so she's above me. "Please, come with me. It's already so awkward for Caleb and he's planning on telling Adam at dinner."

She puts her hand on my cheek and kisses my head before walking away. I sit there confused before walking away with her.

Later in the day, put on a pair of dark blue jeans and a white cropped cru neck. I do light makeup before walking over to the Halls with my mom. My heart was racing when she knocked, and an older boy- I'm guessing Adam opens the door with a smile.

"Morgan?" He says and points to me. I nod and he opens the door wider. "It's nice to meet you, my mom and Caleb have been telling me about these "new neighbors"."

"Yeah, it's been nice having new people around." I tell him.

"And by the way, Caleb has been moody today, so fair warning." Adam whispers and points to Caleb who was sitting on the couch on his phone.

My mom clearly got the hint, and asks Adam where Kate was. They both leave, and I walk over to sit by him.

"So." I say and sigh. "How's it with Adam? Do you think he knows?"

"No, he doesn't." He says and puts his phone down on one of his legs. "I don't know what do to, or how to tell him."

"Well I'm here, I guess." I say and shrug. He looks at my outfit, and smiles. He was wearing black sweats, the same hoodie as yesterday and fuzzy socks.

"Good luck with Adam. He's had two coffees today." Caleb says and stands up. "Im exhausted, let's get this over with."

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