26| falling.

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When I wake up, I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake up Caleb. I gently kiss his forehead and I could hear his heavy breathing as I walk out. I walk downstairs, and try my best to sneak out the back door, but walk right into my mom and Kate outside. The three of us stand there in an awkward silence for a while.

"How's he doing?" Kate asks. "Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah he is. He threw up last light and got out of bed. I helped him back up and he just wanted someone with him, so I stayed the night."

"When was the last time you went to school?" My mom asks.

"A week, maybe. But that doesn't matter right now." I tell her.

I put my shoes on and walk back over to my house. I quickly text Caleb before getting into the shower.

Morgan- let me know when you wake up, I'll be back over asap

After my shower, I see that I didn't get any response from Caleb so I take my time getting dressed. I put on some sweats and a t shirt before putting my hair up in a messy bun and walking back over to the Halls. I see an ambulance outside, and my heart rate starts to pick up dramatically. I quickly run inside and see my mom comforting Kate- who was bawling on the couch with a paramedic in front of them.

That's when I realized.

"Mom?" I ask as my eyes full with water and I walk up to the three of them. Kate looks up to me and starts crying more.

"Cale-" the paramedic starts.

"I know what happened, but I saw him- like an hour ago." I tell her and start crying like Kate. "I saw him earlier today."

"He had another seizure. It was the one to get him over the line. Im sorry." The paramedic says before she walks away from us. The room starts spinning, and before I know it I'm running down the street as my vision gets blurry from all my tears. I fall down and hit my knees on the concrete as it gets harder and harder to breathe. I feel someone's arms wrap around me and I knew it was my moms.

I could feel my heartbeat in my throat and in my head. All my limbs felt numb and fuzzy. My head was pounding and my throat felt tight and I could barley see from all the tears.

It's all falling apart, not falling inton place.

Everything's going to shit.

I'm laying on my bed, like I have been for the past week. My legs pulled up to my chest, letting all my tears pour out.

I hear my door slowly open, and shut behind whoever walked in.

"Morgan, honey." I hear Kate say with a scratchy voice. "It's time."

I sit up and see tears going down her face. I nod, and she walks out so I can start getting ready. I grab the dress that's been hanging up for a few days now and get ready before walking downstairs. The dress was all black with long sleeves. It went down to right above my knees and I put some light stockings on under them.

The whole house seems so empty. I put on my shoes before walking back over to the Hall's house for what maybe be the last time. There was mine and Caleb's moms, and Adam standing by the door.

"Are you ready?" My mom asks me. I shake my head no, then start walking out to one of our cars.

The ride to the funeral home was dead quiet. All that you could hear was slight breathing and sniffling. When we got there, we where the only ones there. I sat in the front t row, looking at the closed casket while Kate, my mom and Adam talked to the director.

"Is the whole ceremony going to be closed casket?" I ask the man.

"No; Caleb wanted a viewing." He says and I nod. I sit there while the others keep discussing with the funeral director. Eventually, people start arriving. I didn't know many of them, but I still stood there and hugged them anyway.

Corey came up with Ashley, and they both hugged me at the same time.

"The principal announced to the school about Caleb." Corey says. "I think Bree Ava and Matt might show up."

I nod and the two of them walk away to sit down. There was a good amount of people here, less then I thought. It was also pretty sudden.

After the ceremony, Adam went up to talk. It looked like he wasn't crying at all. "When I found out Caleb was sick, I had no clue what to do. I was scared, and I wanted to be there for him."


"Caleb fought through Cancer with every muscle in his body. He beat it once, then it came back again to bite him in the ass. It came back bigger, meaner, and scarier but he still chose to fight it. Caleb was able to look this monster in the eyes, and tell him to fuck off." Adam says and lets out a sigh. "Caleb is the best fighter I've ever met. He was taken too soon from all of us. He didn't deserve any of this."

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