13| Corey?

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"Ashley just left. You two shouldn't leave too." Corey says.

"Why did she leave?" I ask.

"She was mad because I told her off. It wasn't her right to tell anyone about Caleb."

"You believed her?"

"Yeah. I know she wouldn't lie about anything about that. Not after you." Corey says. "Come on. The party just started. It's her loss."

I get out and so does Caleb. Corey wraps his arm around my shoulder and we start walking.

"How's your eye?" Corey asks.

"It's fine." I tell him. "Who all knows about Caleb?" I quietly ask.

"Me, Bree, Ava, Nick, Asher, basically the lunch group." He says and I nod.

"You two, go talk and I'll meet up with you later."
I say and walk away before they could respond. I go over to Ava, and sit next to her.

"What did Ashley tell you?" I ask her.

"Ash? Nothing, really. She just left, but- oh, she went on a rant earlier about you and Caleb.  She thinks he's hot, and she's jealous."

"What else?"

"She said he had cancer, but I don't know." Ava says. "Are you and Caleb dating? You're almost always together?"

"No, we don't- we aren't-" I say and sigh before getting up and walking away. Why is everyone drunk already?

I look around the corner and see Caleb playing beer-pong with Corey.

"So, we're getting super wasted tonight." I say and stand in between them.

"Yeah, Corey's doing a lot of the drinking." Caleb says.

"Why aren't you? I'm the DD so I'm not."

"I've had one, I just don't need more of a headache."

"Smart." I tell him. I sit there and watch them play. Caleb and Corey ended up winning, and they were both happy as hell.

"Caleb's my new favorite person, I've never won until now." Corey says and wraps his arm around Caleb's shoulder.

"How many beers have you had, Corey?" I ask.

"I don't know, six or seven give or take."

"Are you serious?" I ask and look to Caleb. "How many have you seen him dink?"

"Two, while we're playing." He says and shrugs.

"Okay, Corey, you need to go inside and get some water." I grab his arm from around Caleb's shoulder and put it around mine. I bring him to the living room and lay him down on the couch, I grab the kitchen hose and spray him with it, waking him up a bit.

"What the fuck Morgan?!" Corey yells.

"Since when do you get drunk? This is your party remember?"

Corey just rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Are you and Corey a thing? You seem to be flirting a lot tonight." Caleb asks me.

"No, I told you. that's just who Corey is. He flirts with everyone, and he's dating someone." I say and Caleb just nods. I start to follow Corey upstairs, and when I get to his room he was sitting on his bed. "What's up with you?"


"I'm your best friend Corey, I know when you're pissed, I piss you off all the time."

"No you're not."

"Excuse me?"

"Caleb's your best friend. You even dumped Ash after he moved here." Corey says.

"Are you really jealous of Caleb? I thought he was your 'new favorite person'. And I'm sorry I'm spending time with him. He's new, I am trying to make y'all friends, and he is quite literally losing the fight to cancer because his tumor has gotten nowhere but worse. So, I'm sorry that I'm not 100% me tonight."

He just looks at me confused and I start walking away. When we both get to my car, we both don't say anything for a while.

"What's the deal?" Caleb asks synthetically. "Why are you not talking?"

"It's no big deal. Small things out of hand, just need the night to get my head out of it." I say and sigh.

"With Corey?"


Caleb just nods and when we get home, we both see our moms looking at us confused with a wine glass in one of each of their hands.

"You guys are here early." Kate says.

"Long day." I tell her and walk upstairs with Caleb behind me.

"Are you okay?" Caleb asks me and sits on my bed. I sit down next to him and sigh.

"Yeah, just hate being the DD all the time. I wish I could be the crazy one and get drunk."

"Why not?"

"Because everyone else is dumb, basically." I say and smile. He pauses for a while before locking eyes with me.

"I spent about a year of my teenage years in a hospital. Small things like that don't get on my nerves."

"Yeah, I know that now you have a 'I don't give a fuck' attitude but I don't. I'm still living life."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're always using having cancer as a 'get out of jail free card', and I hate that." I tell him.

"Okay, but sometimes it's valid." He says and stands up.

"Where are you going?" I yell at him. "We're not done talking!" I stand up right before he slams the door. I sit there in shock, rethinking what just happened.

He can't be mad at me, right? I hate it when people use illnesses as excuses when they don't have to. I told him the truth, this isn't, my fault, right?

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