12| The bonfire

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On Friday, me and Caleb walk into school together. I was wearing Jean shorts and a dark purple t shirt I tied in front. Caleb had basketball shorts on and a white hoodie.

I get to my locker and try to open it, but it won't budge.

"Can you get this?" I ask Caleb. He starts to play with the lock, when someone grabs me by the waist and spins me around. I squeal and they put me down. "What the fuck, Corey?" I say smiling.

"What are you bringing later?" Corey asks and leans against the lockers. "This is Caleb, right?" He asks and points to him.

"Yeah. I have chips and s'more stuff."

"What chips?"

"That's a surprise." I tell him. "We'll probably get there around 6, is your sister going to be there?"

"No, she's going out." Corey says. "You have any siblings, Caleb?"

"Yeah. A brother."

"Older or younger?"

"Older. He's in college in Mississippi. He's coming up for the weekend, though."

"Maybe I can meet him." Corey says. "How old is he? My sister just graduated high school."

"He's a freshman in college."

Corey just nods and walks away.

"That was awkward." Caleb says and leans against a locker.

"No, that's just Corey." I tell him. I slam my locker shut, scaring him. "He means well."

"Are you two dating, or something?"

"Corey? Date Corey? Are you serious Caleb?" I ask.

"I mean, - he was being touchy and spinning you and shit."

"Yeah, that's Corey. He's a total man slut." I say and walk away.

When I get to lunch, I sit down at our table, and everyone looks at me weird.

"What?" I ask.

"Where's Caleb?" Ashley asks. Her hair was in a messy bun, she had a big hoodie on and she looked like shit.

"Why? Do you want to yell at him more?"

"Yeah, actually. I don't even know why you're letting him come, Corey."

"Leave it be." Corey says. "You can't be mad at each other forever."

We both say in silence for a minute. Someone walks up, it was Caleb.

"Hey." He says. "What's going on?"

"Nothing; are you exited for tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah," Caleb says and sits down.

"Are you ready for the bonfire Caleb?" Bree asks.

"Yeah. It's something fun to do I guess."

"I know you're going to have fun." Corey says. "Just try not to get too drunk."

"He won't." Bree says. "Not too much, right?"

"No." Caleb says and shakes his head. "Don't let me get too drunk."

"Good." She says and the bell rings.

After school, I drive home as fast as I can.

"You could have died, Morgan." Caleb says.

"Yeah, but we didn't." I tell him. "It's already 3:30, I need to get ready."

Caleb sighs and walks away. After what seems like hours, I walk downstairs and see Caleb sitting on the couch on this phone. I was wearing a black skirt, t shirt and caring a sweater.

"About time, let's go." He says and gets in the car. We both get in, and I start driving.

"Right here," I say and point to a house. "It's his mansion."

We both start walking towards the house, and the music starts getting really loud.

"I thought this wasn't a party?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah, that was a lie." I say. I walk in and instantly run into Bree.

"You made it!" She yells and hugs me. She has a beer in her hand and looks drunk. "And you brought Caleb."

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" I ask. Bree grabs my arm and pulls me away from hearing distance of Caleb.

"Ashley was being totally jealous earlier. When we got here, she was all like, 'Morgans being an asshole and spending all her time with Caleb. He's sick anyway, I don't know why she's getting so attached."

"She said what?!" I yell.

"Yeah, she made up a lie that he was sick with cancer, or tonsilitis or something dumb. I mean, yeah, he's totally hot but he's yours. You saw him first."

I walk away and over to Ashley. She was sitting at the counter drinking something as well.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask her.

"Excuse me?"

"Bree told me you told. You promised me."

"Well, I guess we all break promises. You haven't left Caleb's ass in days, and you said you didn't care." Ashley says. I smack the drink out her hand and she looks at me with a 'wtf' tone. She punches me, and we start fighting. Everyone was yelling 'fight', and someone eventually pulled us apart.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Corey yells. "I know you two hate each other right now, but I don't like fighting. Not at my house."

"She slapped my beer out of my hands." Ashley yells.

"She punched me." I yell back.

"Calm down, I know-" Corey says but I start walking away. I walk right past Caleb and outside to my car. After a while of just sitting there Caleb walks outside too. He sits in the passenger seat and sits there in silence for a while.

"I talked to Corey." Caleb says and my heart rate picks up. "He knows. Your whole friend group knows. Ashley told."

"What did they say about it? Are they going to tell?" I ask.

"Half of them are wasted, but I don't know." He says and sighs.

"I'm so sorry. I was trying to get Ashley off your ass, and it spilled out."

"I don't care about that, Morgan." Caleb says and looks at me. "It was going to come out eventually."

"Too bad it was her." I say and smile. He smiles back and we just freeze. Caleb starts getting closer, and our lips eventually make contact. He looks at me after, with an even bigger smile and we both start laughing. Suddenly someone bangs on the window and we both jump.

"Fuck, Corey. What do you want?" I say.

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