10| Hurry

16 1 0

We both walk back and quickly go to the back hallway.

"Did you make any friends yet?" I ask Caleb.

"A few."

"I think Amber has a crush on you." I say.

"Amber Wilson? No, no way."

"Yeah, she asked me about you today."

"What did you tell her?" He asks.

"I played dumb." I say. "But you might want to wait a week or so, she just dumped her boyfriend."

"I don't like Amber, Morgan." Caleb says and looks down at me. "Wait, she was dating someone a week ago?"

"About, yeah."

"She told me she's never dated anyone."

"Well, she's dated half of the people at school, so yeah; you might not want to add yourself to that list."

"Thanks for the heads up." Caleb says and chuckles.

"Right down there, it will get you off the cancer wing." I say and point to a stairwell.

"What about this?" He asks and points to his IV rack.

"Cary it?" I say sarcastically and we walk downstairs. "Tell me if you get tired."

"You sound like my mom." Caleb says. We both walk out and instantly go to a vending machine.

"I have a few dollars, get anything you want but get me a Gatorade." I say and hand him three singles. I walk over to one with snacks and use a ten to get some more food. Caleb walks over with two red Gatorades.

"Why do you have all this money?" He asks.

"School has vending machines too, you know." I say and take the drinks from him. "Go over to the counter and ask for a bag."

When he comes back, I throw all our food in the bag and hang it on a hook by Caleb's chemo bag.

"You really know your way around here." Caleb tells me.

"Yeah." I say. "I know all the shortcuts and secrets."

"I bet." Caleb says and sits down on a bench.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He says. "Just getting a little tired. I'll be fine."

I quickly grab a wheelchair that was sitting by, and gesture Caleb to sit.

"I can walk."

"Come on." I whine. "If you get really tired Paige will know I snuck you out and she won't let me come here anymore."

"Fine." He says and I help him get in the chair. He grabs his IV pole and holds on as I push him back. "Hurry." He yells.

"I'm trying!" I yell back.

"Turn here." He says and I open the door to his room. Caleb jumps up and sits back down in his chair. I quickly move the IV to the other side of him, and sit down in the chair I was in before.

Caleb grabs the bag of snacks and throws it at me.

"I owe you."

"Yeah, I just pushed you across the whole building." I complain. "You owe me ten bucks, actually."

"I say we call it fair." Caleb says and smiles. I throw a Cheeto at him but he catches it and eats it.

"Fine." I say and smile too. "How are you doing?"

"Not going to lie, I'm getting a little tired."

"You can't tell anyone you went on a walk with me, okay?" I tell him. "No one. The staff will get pissed."

"Yeah, I know."

I stand up and walk over to Caleb. I grab the bag from the rack and hold it up.

"What are you doing? Be careful." Caleb tells me.

"I know. But this is going really slow, your not even half way done."

"Why, do you want to leave?"

"No, it's just a little weird." I say and hang it back up.

"It's also my first dose in over a year." He says. "It's always hard."

"This is your third time, right?"


"How destroyed is your stomach?"

"What?" He asks.

"All the meds, it's killing all the bacteria. The good stuff too, you should take a pro biotic too, and eat more iron."

"Why do you know all of this?"

"Because I do." I say.

We sit there for a minute, in silence.

"Be honest Morgan; What do you think the chances are, t-that I survive?" Caleb asks.


"Cancer." He says and shrugs. "Its been, like three years and there really hasn't been any difference and when there is it isn't good."

"Caleb, I can't say anything. I'm not your doctor, but you are going to school, so I'd say that's a good sign." I tell him. "I can call Dr. Nelson, she can tell you more."

"No, god no." Caleb says. "I was just wondering."

The door opens again, and Paige stands there with her arms folded.

"I saw you guys. Morgan, you need to go." Paige says. I quickly grab her hand and drag her outside. 

"We were out for maybe five minutes. He got tired and I got a wheelchair and took him back here. I swear, I know how to handle things like this."

"I know you do, but I need Caleb to stay healthy and safe."

"He will!" I yell. "I want to be here for him, because I get what he's going through. I'm the only one that does." I tell her. She stands there for a minute,

"Okay, fine. But I don't want him going for walks with his IV."

"Yeah, okay." I say. "Are you here for a check?"

"He should almost be done with that bag, he has one more." Paige says and walks inside.

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