Chapter 1 :Confused

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*****There is another sex scene but its for the sake of the story*****

Nicole Pov

"Call me "she said and handed me a business card she then put on her speedo and walked out .God,That was so amazing.the way her lips into mines ,the way her beautiful hazel eyes were full of love.That's when It hit me ,I cheated on Dan .The one I was marrying in 5 weeks .The one I was supposed to love.The one that propsed to me.The one I've been in a relationship since High school .The one that gave me butterflies .But in all honesty the butterflies have gone they've magically disappered maybe they have magic powers and are gonna use their laser vision to restore my defective kidney.I might as well get dressed .I got my clothes on and opened the door .Many people looked my direction,I'm guessing they know what we was doing ,her screaming my name and me screaming her's .I walked towards John and Ray .

"What the fuck matter with you ?John screamed

"Shut up ! and I couldn't resist her lips and DANGING body "I whispered the last part but they still heard danging..

"How could you not resist one your engaged two you're not lesbian three that girl was 16 "Ray said as we walked out the strip club.

"SHE WAS 16 "I yelled .They both nodded

"But she looked so mature and she was soo fucking sexy and her pussy--"I tired to explain


"Okay lets just forget this don''t tell Dan and just pretend this never happened okay "Ray said

"Okay "John and I said at the same time.

*Next Morning*

"Babe wake up "my fiancee said ,I woke up still tired when pain immediately hit me .I groaned

" Ooh shit " said

"Babe are you OK"Dan said

"Yeah I'm fine just little tired "

"Why what happened last night "he asked.I thought for a moment

"Me and the boys were just walking and drinking acting a fool,you know like old times"I said ..

"Oh,well ok its Ray birthday today and you have to go with Ray and John to Nandos in 30 minutes so get ready "I totally forgot

"Okay thanks baby"I said as he gave me a kiss .But the kiss wasn't right .Its not that I didn't like it its just it didn't feel right kissing him.I remembered last night .Princess and her big sexy ass ,pink lips.We kissed a lot of times tough and everything felt soo good .I heard a door shut and noticed Dan left .I took a shower ,got dressed ,fixed my hair etc,,and walked out to Nandos .

~At Nando's ~

I saw John and ray sitting in the far left corner of the restaurant I walked towards them .I sat down and when I did I was surprised of who was here right behind John and Ray .I could perfectly see her .It was Princess .She seemed to notice and lick her lips..

Princess Pov..

I was going to Nando's to meet with my best friend ,who is straight ,Star .I was currently eating a salad with chicken when I heard the bell go ding dong along with a figure walking towards the table in front of me .I immediately knew who she was ..Nicole ..She seemed to notice me to so I licked my lips ,I could tell she liked it .

"Hey star "I said looking at the her .

"Yeah "she said

"The girl behind you the girl that came to the club last night you should know what happened after that "She was about to turn around I said

"Don't turn around just tie your shoe or some shit"

"Otau "she said as she swallowed her food .She picked up her napkin instead and literally bent down and set it on the floor and said

"Uh -oh a random gust of wind . has blown my napkin on the floor I guess I will pick it up now"she jerked her head to the side so shd could see Nicole perfectly while reaching out for the napkin .Once she picked up the napkin she pointed to Nicole and practially yelled

"OH SHIT IS IT HER " which caused everyone in the restaurant to look at us

"Vey subtle Star "I said sarcastically and got up .

"Sarcasm ?"she asked

"Hell yeah even Jesus would agree "I responded

Nicole Pov

"Oh shit is that her"John ,Ray and I heard a girl scream we looked towards the sound of the voice and saw the red head girl,along with Princess ,The red head girl was pointing at me ,eventually she put her arm down and they was bet to leave..

"Oh go get your baby "Ray said he was pointing to Princess ..

"Shut up "-I said and walked ,she started to walk to the bathroom before she left and nodded for me to come in ,Not thinking ,I did .I opened the door.

"Princess "I said .All of a sudden I was pushed up against the wall

"Hey "She said .I could her my heart skip a beat ..

"y-y-yeah "I stuttered .She put her pussy on mine .Okay now I was liking it ..

"Did you enjoy it as much as I did last night "I couldn't trust my voice so I nodded


"you wanna do it again "she asked licking her lips.

"Oh fuck yes "I said without thinking what came out my mouth

"Good so do I"she started to undo my belt and i took of her shirt .Once we were done stripping each other she started kissing my neck "Mmm" I said "Wait " are you really 16 teen "I asked

"Yea "she said with a sweet voice ,sucking on my neck .

She looked at me and i turned her around and pick her up ,and started sucking on her neck"Mmm"she said as her nails dogged in my back .She moan my name putting her arms around my neck pulling me down to her p*ssy .I entered two fingers in and out of her ,she moaned it louder I covered my hands over her month telling her to quite down .She nodded

"Faster "She whispered .I was constantly whisper moaning Princess name while she was whisper moaning mine.

"Ni-co-le I-m about t-to cumm "She said moaning

"OK "I replied and took my fingers out

She put one hand on my p*ssy and other one on hers and fingered us both.

"God Damn Princess "I said .She took out her fingers and licked both out p*ssy..


"A-n-d you said you never done that before "Princess questioned and I said "I'm bi sexual "

"But you dress as(GCO)

"I know as a boy "-I said and kissed her lips unlike Dan .Soft and kissable .Thin yet thick .Imperfect yet perfect.Like they were meant just for me .Yeah,me and only me .No one else ,Me Nicole Carter .Me Me Me Me ME !!.I felt fireworks ,nuclear bombs ,butterflies and happiness .I felt cotton candy .Oh god i sound like a lesbian .Don't I?Well its true .My heart felt like it was gonna pop with love ..

Princess pulled away quickly

I'm sorry I shouln't of done that "she said looking down as a tear feel.

"No I liked it "I said ,why you crying .She didn't say nothing but got dressed .I looked at her for a long time .She looked at me with sadness and walked out the place..

"DAMN "I said

The rest of my night all i could think of was why she was crying ..

I was getting ready for bed while Dan was watching football

"I love you "he said turning me around kissing my neck I groaned .

"Good night Dan "I said ..

Dreaming about Princess DAMMIT I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER NAME !!

Princess Pov

Ugh first day of 12th grade ...

I know your wonder why I'm crying it's because of my life..

!6 year old girl +bi girl + High school =DISASTER

So what ?I'm 16 going into 12th grade I skipped a few grades .I'm pretty smart ...except for the nvm ...

"Ciara get yo ass down here "-my step dad called

"Yes sir "-I said

"Didn't I tell yo slut ass to clean this house "-he said

"Yeah but (GCO) and with that he slap me .

"Shut up and clean this damn house now "-he said

Well now you know I have a mean ass step dad and he abuse me and all types of ways ..

I took a shower ,got dressed and did my hair .

At School

I walked in the building and got stares and boys saying"LET ME TURN YOU STRAIGHT SHORTY!!"All of a sudden I got stop it was my ex Crystal .

"What do you want Crystal "i said rolling my eyes

"I'm sorry "she said in a low tone

"Sorry for hitting me or just being an ass ?!"-I said

"Way you always got to go there ?"she ask

"Why you always make me feel like shit "I asked

"Whatever"she said and walked away with her gang ...

I finally got to my class room 434 and stepped in .The person at the desk was ...Mr.Dan he's very nice and he like me i don't even know why .(See what i did there Mr.Dan ...Nicole almost husband )

Nicole Pov

I was in Dan class room with him ..Then some students arrived and I look at all of them they was from emo ,to jokers ,to football player,to gangsters,etc.. That's when another student walked in and someone was behind her .They look like they wanted to kill each other ..When they walked in I saw PRINCESS ?!?!? What ?!?! What??!! It's Princess ?!?

I fucked Dan student ?!?!

I stayed in the class just watching Dan teach and ever time I look around I saw some girl and Dan passing notes I became jealous .

*Few minutes later *

Everyone left and me and Princess was the only once in their .Dan wanted to talk to her about something .

"What are you doing here "we whisper at the same time

"No why are you here "we said unison again

"i'm here because Dan invented me "I said

"Well I'm a student"she said with her hazel eyes damn they was so sexy ..

"Well this is a freaking picnic "I mumbled as kids passed the hall

IN ART (A/n:Just for fun )

We were currently painting what we wanted to .I was sitting next to Star the very back of the class painting a gun with a gril crying .

"Hey Ciara what are you painting "She said

"A gun with a girl crying ,You?"

"A happy daisy "she said as showed me her picture of a dasiy with a smiley face in the middle,honestly it looked like an 4 year old painted it but I wasn't going to be mean but had to..

"Star ,that's terrible "I said

"Stop it you're hurting my daisy feelings "she protested .I chuckled and went to my painting

The rest of the day was Math,Reading etc.Now it was the period I was dreading .Athletics

I went to the locker room ,got dressed and jogged outside.

I saw crystal and her gang she was a Blood ..I rolled my eyes and walked to where Star and the others was .I saw Nicole come and some teachers ,I guess the teachers are going to play basketball while we just talk .

Crystal came to me and grab my hand leading me away from my friends .

"I miss you "-she said

I rolled my eyes and tired walking away but she grab it with so much power and jerked me back "Oooh"I said .

"i'm sorry can we just talk "-she said

"Ugh fine go on "

"I'm sorry ,I do love you I didn't mean to call you those names ,I didn't mean to cheat on you and everything..

"OK "-I said and left .Nicole was staring at me with her shirt off she had 9 pack ,She looked jealous and mad .She saw that I was looking at her and rolled her eyes .And walked out the gym piss .I ran after her ,but no one saw me ..

"Nicole Nicole Nicole !"I yelled

She turned around "What the hell you want "she said making me scared

"What I do ?"-I asked

"Don't play stupid you know what you did "-she said

"I really don't that's why I asked you "I said folding my arms across my chest.

"You fucking talking to that bitch "-she said angry

"What do you want me to do then "-I said

"Leave her the hell alone "-She said screaming at me ..



Lol what do you think please give me feedback :)

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