Chapter 16 :The Teenagers ..

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Jay Pov..

hayley was in the  bed sleeping in my arms.

Bzz bzzz 

My phone went 

Mollz:So you with that hoe arent you !,I can't stand your ass ! Cheater !

I chuckled to her failed expression to make me pissed

Jayman:I don't got time for you bi ploar ass !

Mollz :What ever but you better hope yo baby will be okay ,and that little bitch too!

Jayman :I swear If you lay a hand on my girl and my soon to be baby I'm beat yo ass ,how could you even do that to yo own bestfriend?

Mollz :That wasn't even my friend all the niggaz wanted her but what about me ,nothing!

Jayman:Stfu Mollz !You bullshiting 

Mollz:I'm Bullshiting that's why that baby might not be your ASSWHOlE!

Jayman :What you talking about ?!

Mollz :You heard me ,I wouldn't trust that hoe she fucked yo bestfriend of crouse .Payback a bitch isn't it .

Dammit !! ,Bitch got me fuck up .I hope she was happy because i really was pissed 

A/N:Okay the whole thing before this chapter Jay and Mollz are broken up .Jay go with Hayley now for the baby .Nolan is now scared for his life he might be having an baby ,and Ciara and April are getting really closer .Nicole is hitting Ciara more .Will Ciara leave Nicole? ,Will Nicole go to jail ?or Will they be a happy family?? .As for Nicole son and daughter .Her son is having problems  .Her daughter is having sex with a boy that's 19 ....(Nicole twin kids are only 12 )

The twins Pov...

"Bro can I ask you a question "I asked

"Yea "he replied nodding his head 

"Do you ever wonder why mommy abuse other mommy ?"

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