Chapter 12:reality

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A:N Ok I'm uploading it's going to be a little short but i guess i might make it longer for the  fans :)

River Pov

"Baby  I wanna go on the ferris Wheeeeelll"he pouted 

"Just let me get the damn fushia giraffe "I said and threw the white ball at the milk jug pyramid

"Forget the pink girffe"he said 

"IT's FUSHIA Got DAMMIT !! i corrected him

"Like there's a difference "he said 

"There's a huge difference Pink is pink Fushia is  more purple and slightly draker "I said and rolled my eyes 

He knocked down all the jugs and started to 'Woo' like he just won a new car 

"No I wnat the fushia giraffe not the charchruse hippo "I scremed at the man who was getting my prize

"Sorry the fushia girffe is already taken "the dude said 

"No ,It's right there in front of you "! I screamed getting mad 

"Where ?"the dude said looking around 

"Ughh fuck it "I screamed 

"baby maybe we should just leave the man along "

"No I want my damn fushia giraffe "I pouted 

"Come on "Nolan said grabbing my head to the ferris wheel 

When we were at the top of the Ferris Wheel nolan looked down at me and kissed my nose as I blushed 

"You're so upsexy "he said and kissed me on the lips 

"Oh shit !"I said 

"what"he asked 

i pointed down the ground and he looked at what i was pointing to.

And there stood at the bottom of the Ferris wheel ,starting at us .His parents .

"Babe jsut know that I love you "I said and kissed him 

That was my last word to him..

Nolan Pov

I moaned and he began slow thruts again.When he reacged a certain distanve the pain stoppef and the pleasure came .

"Oh M-My G-God Right there "i moaned

he started to thust fatser but not fast enough

"Please go f-ast  as you can"I said and he obeyed

"Holy shit "i yelled

"C-Can Y-ou Go Dee-per please "I asked and he did.

"tell me how much you love me "he whisper -moaned in my ear..

*Flashback end *

"I love you "I said and he stroked off the tear that silently ran down my cheek.

He kissed my cheekbones 

"I love you to "he replied 

"Goodbye "I said 

"No don't say Goodbye that means we'll never see each other again lets just ,say See You Later "he replied 

"But what if I don't see you again"I asked 

"i'll find my way back to you no matter what "he said 

River Pov..

Don't look back river Don't look backi .i thought to myself 

i didn't want to leave it's just that i have no where to go and his parents ABSOLUTELY HATE me !!

"I'm so so sorry na Na "I muttered to myself as a tear cascaded down my cheek .

Narrators Pov

There's one thing nolan didn't realize while having sex with river ,When they cummed together .the condom they used brokw .And River left .Cross your fingers .Because Nolan could be a teen dad ...

~misty vote,fan,comment you know :)

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