Dancing for them dollars (lesbian stripper story )

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Princess Pov

I was walking around the strip club with my badazlied speeds on I heard my name being called by my boss"Princess "He yelled

"Coming sir "I yelled back.I walked over to him standing next to him were 2 guys and 1 girl "Princess this is Nicole ,John ,and Ray "he said motioning to them "It's Nicole bachelor party you know what to do "I grabbed Nicole shirt and led her to the back room .Once we got there I locked the door and set her in the chair on the corner .I started giving Nicole a lap dance

"I'm straight "Nicole said .I turned around so my ass was practically in her face ."tell me when to stop "Her hands gripped my waist.I turned back around so I was facing her and I sat on her lap and started to grind our crotches together "your want me to stop ?"I asked while nibbling on her ear lobe

"No Please Don't Stop "she said

"Thought so "I said .I got up off her and pulled her towards the bed .I pulled off her shirt off so slowly .Once we were both naked I was on top of her .


"Have you ever done this before "I asked She shook her head no

"I am warning you it will hurt and it gets worse before it gets better okay "I said

"Okay "she whispered.I opened the drawer that was beside me and gradbbed a lube .I put the lube on my 2 fingers.I gently stuck my finger inside her and she winced in pain.I waited about 1o seconds until I pulled my fingers out,she smiled and kissed my lips ."Mmm strawberry "she said " and fliped us over ."I'm sorry for what's about to come babe"she said .She stuck her strap in and I winced .(Damn my first time a girl ever made me winced ).Even though I'm 16 I do Iike girls .The strap was about 1/2 in when I started saying "Ow ow ow "and clawing her back.She was now all the way in and Nicole was letting me adjust to the strap size .After a few seconds I pushed my heels imto her back telling her to thrust .She started thristing slow .

"Faster Nicole "I said she started thrusting medium speed ,

"Ohh fuck yes yes Yes NIIIICCCOOL"I moaned

I was moaning her name

"NICOLE FASTER "I yelled as she tangled her fingers in my hair .She was going full speed now which was pretty fast

"OHHHh YESSS FUCK YES HARDER "I roared .She pulled completely out and slammed itto me as hard and as fast as she could,


Our sweaty bodies pulled apart and we collapsed next to each other .


"That...Was..Amazing "She said between breaths "Yeah "I agreed "Call me "I said as I gave her a 'business card '.I put on my speedo and walked out only to met my seceral pairs of eyes Rainbow(a stripper who worked there ).Sunshine ,Lollipop,Max,Porsha ,I walked to John and Ray "That'll be $250 "I said to John and Ray ."For a 16 year old your pretty good"My boos said ."Thanks "I kooked to john and Ray "She's lesbian "they said in unison"and YOU'RE 16 they finished "yeah I'm 16 now pay up "I said .They took out their wallets and split the money I grabb it away from them "Thank you very much and she'll be sore in the morning .I walked backstage to put on my normal clothes.Once I did I headed to my home.

*****What you think guys and by the way hope you like it ***

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