Chapter 15 :I'm sorry

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Hayley Pov..

Don't do it Hayley don't go to Jay house ,Ugh what am I thinking I need to tell her I'm pregnant .I felt a warm tear come down from my eyes I'm really scared...Ugh I'm so scared how about if she have a girl right their and she was Jay new girl ....

*Knock Knock *

the door went as I knocked .Take a deep breath Hayley It's okay .I heard footstreps come to the door .Someone answerd the door.

"Hayley ?"someoone said like they was unsure ..

"Ugh ..yeah "I said 

"What are you doing here ?"she asked

"I have to tell you something "I said 

she grabbed my head and let me in ..She guided me to the couch ...I took a deep breath ,before I could step she asked me "What's wrong?"

"Umm...Jay ....Umm....I'm know "I  said as tears was going down my face I was so scared what Jay was going to say ...

"You pregnant ?'

"Yea "I said 

"You got to go "she said 

It flet like she was kicking me out I was surpised....Jay never act like this even when we break up ..

'Slam ' the door went to my face ..I fell to the ground crying with so many tears running down my cheeks .I couldn't let her get away with this .

Jay Pov..

I breathe havily as I just kicked Hayley out mean this so fuck up shit .I know you thinking I did her wrong for that but SHIT ! I'm going out with her bestfriend .Fuck !! ,Now I'm in some deep shit .I hopw she left cuz her bestfriend on her way ...Dammit !."Bang bang ,Bang ,Bang '.Hell no she banging on my door now .Shit come on man ."jasmine ",she cired ...."Please open the door I'm scared please ".Dame it was killing me inside that I'm doing this to her ,but I can't do this anymore !.I opened the door and saw my girlfriend coming right up .Hell No !! ,this can't be happening."Babe "..she said .I looked her way and smiled halfly ..Hayley looked my way with some much hurt in her eyes ..Dammit...

"Why is Hayley here babe "?she asked

"Yea Jay tell her why I'm here"Hayley said 

I looked in her eyes and said 

"Me and Hayley .."


Misty vote ,fan ,comment .Tell everybody !!!Sorry it was very short 

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