Chapter17:Death of Hayley

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Hayley Pov

I felt a rush in my stomach

"Excuse me "I said and ran to the bathroom

I pukedmy guts out 

I looked in the toilet and saw that it wasn't puke ,It was all blood ..

I ran to Jay

"I need to go to the hospital now ! "I yelled 

"Why "she asked

"I punked blood "I explained 

She grabbed Que and we drove to the hospital

Ciara Pov ..


"Mrs.Brown Hayley in the hospital she just punked blood please come ,I don't know what else to do !

"Jay calm down we'll be right there

I dragged April outside to her car 

and droved off


I saw Jay in the waiting area rocking the baby back and forth ,tears streaming down her face.

"Jay what happened"I asked

"I-I don't know"she said 

I could tell she was scared out of her life.

"Hayley Brown ?"the nurse said we ran over there .

"Can we see her "I asked 

"Yes"she replied and led us 

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