Chapter 9 :what is love ?

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Princess Pov --

I woke up feeling dizzy and I had a horrible head ache.I opened my eyes and saw white .That's when I figures out I was in the hospital.What the hell am I doing in a hospital ?As I was trying to get up a doctor came in .

"Wha whoa juts take it easy ."He said pushing me slightly on the shoulders getting me to lay back down .Then he started asking me stupid questions .

"Why am I here ?"

"Well you was badly beaten and had a concussion .You have been in here for about a week .

"Concussion ?A week ?Where the fuck is Nicole and our damn kids ?I yelled the first part ,but whispered the last .

"Oh you mean the young woman who brought you here ?"He went out and started checking my heart beat .

"Well when you see her black ass can you tell here to come here "I said 

With that the doctor left .

I went to sleep after that still wondering where the hell Nicole was and what happened .

I woke up to Nicole on the hospital bed holding my waist.I know this nigga don't think I frogot she cheated with that bitch .I slapped her ass for hitting me,leaving me ,and most of all cheating on me .I found myself hitting her over and over again .I couldn't stop and soon I was sobbing in her cheat while she held me ,

"Im sorry "she said again and again .

"I hate you so much ! "I said pulling away from her and hitting her over again .She grabbed my hands to stop me ,I just collapsed into her arms sobbing .I fell alseep.

I woke uo to the smell of food .I sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes .

"You hungry ?"Nicole asked pulling out food from KFC .

"No "I said looking down almost whispering . feel embarrassed ,ugly ,and overall I just feel like shit.I know your wondering why im taking this hard ,Its just that Nicole never and I mean never put her hands on me.

I knew I looked a hot mess .

"You gotta eat Ciara "she said while putting the food on the table .

Some odd reason I ran to the bathroom ,and throw up 'Eww ',Nicole followed holding my hair ,I punched her's arm and she let go.i washed my mouth and brashed my teeth .Nicole gave me the Wtf look ,and I just walked out .

"I'm sorry "she said again .


~misty I'm sorry its very short I might rewrite it,have no drama really but I am sorry .well vote ,comment on what you think ,and fan !! :) 

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