Chapter 10: Nicole

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Nikki Pov..

It is now 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm officially annoyed,with Nicole she still haven't come to bed .She's been in the basement for hours playing some damn 2k13 .(A/N:Omg my girlfriend was playing that all last night I'm so mad ,so this is kinda base of us lol and I was horny ass fuck :'/.

I got out of my bed ,and put on my slippers and walked to the basement .When I was in the basement I saw Nicole laying on the couch asleep ,showing her abs .(A/N:This really happened today with me and my gf she going to kill me ).She had the controller on the floor and her thumb in her mouth .I climbed on top of her body and kissed her neck .

"Mm "she groaned

I looked at her ,she was half wake and half asleep.I started sucking and biting on Niole's neck .When I felt her grab my waist.

"Nikki..stop?"She mumbled 

"But I'm horny "

"Really Nikki ,right now ?"she said getting a little mad 

"Ugh whatever Nicole "I said and got up ,she grabbed my waist again and sat me on her lap ,and started kissing my neck .I moan ,she stopped and said "I'm tired ".I rolled my eyes and got up .I was annoyed and HORNY !!

"Babe can I ask you something "she asked 

"Hm ?"

"Well you forgive me if I still in love with Ciara "she said 

Ugh I hate that Bitch and those damn kids .I chewed my jaw .

"Are you going to answer the question or not ?"

"Goodnight Nicole"

She grabbed my hand making me fall on the couch ,Strong ass .(A/n:that's why I hate strong people !! ugh )

"Can you answer the damn question Nikki "she said 

I rolled my eyes getting more annoyed 

"Answer the Damn question "she said 


"Or what you going to hit me ,you crazy if I think I'm let yo ass hit me "She said getting in my face .

Word after word that flowed from Niole's lips angered me more by the second. My patience was running out and my temper was flaring. Rage boiled through my body. I barely had a chance to think of my actions. The only thought running through my head was getting her to shut up. 

I pursed my lips and raised my hand back. I threw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across her face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain started in my palm and spread all the way to my finger tips. My palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on her face. She stared at me with her eyes wide as her hand slowly made it to her fire red cheek.

I should've felt some kind of remorse,But I didn't .Not one organ in my body could hold me from slapping her .I hurried up and ran to my room and shout the door "Creak "the door went ,I hared Nicole say 

"Ooww yo ass going to get it"She said banging on my door ,

"P-Please Nicole I'm sorry really I am "I said as tears fell down my eyes ."Bang" "Bang " "Bang"

"Open this Damn door Nikki "She said her voice sounded so different ,so much with rage ,anger ..

I hurried up and ran to the bathroom .The door stop banging,the door opened .Closer and Closer the foot steps came ,Closer and Closer 

I felt hands wrap around my neck ..NO!!! I said soon I heard her say ..

~Misty Umm that was it the book is done :) hope you guys like it .Vote ,Comment,Fan,oh yea idk if this going to be the end maybe it's not maybe it is 

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