Chapter 13 :Reality part 2

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Hayley Pov..

*3 weeks have past after me and jay broke up *

I'm still bummed about Jay fucking another girl..

i throw up in the morning I'm eating pickles a lot then after the pickles I get heartburn .I'm also tired more and my back and ankles start to hurt ..

I ran downstairs to where my twin nolan was i hugged him tightly 

"I'm  sorrry "I said 

"For what ?"he looked at me 

I looked down as a tear fell from my eye .The words struggled to come from my mouth .I was so scared to tell ,but i have to tell someone ,but my parents .He looked at me wondering what i'll say .III-I'm pregnant the words slowly cired out .His eyes went wide .

"You sure ?"he asked


"Umm whose the dad ?"he asked

"It's more like whose the mom or dad "i said lowly ,but somehow he heard me say .

"Please don't tell me it's Jay?"he said getting agure

"I'm sorry "I looked down 

"You "his voice dripped with hatred ,as he looked at me in my eye with a stsabbing glare.He merely rasied an eyebrown,and gave an amused grin .like he could see his own twin die .I looked scared ,but i remained unfazed.Suddenly he bursted with an uncontrollable rage that he tired to clam .Then he swung a punch towards my face ,my arms seemed to recat witour me knowing .the swing up to cover my face and blocking his punch .With my arm I threw his first away from my face ,then kicked him in the gut .He was on the floor .I knew it was wrong fighting your own twin.


someone yelled ,nolan walked up to me when he got up from the ground .

"You want to fight "he asked me ,I looked at him with love in my eyes .Nolan maked the fist move .He takes a quick step towards me and stretches his leg horizontally towards me .I jumped back,away from the kick .

"Mom hurry Nolan and Hayley  are fighting "my little brother yelled 

As he recovers .I run to him and grab him by the neck ,then pin him against the wall ,my fist collided with his face only once .His face slowly tipped over as blood strouted from his mouth .

"What is going on "my mom yelled

"Their  fighting "my brother said 

"Why "

My little sister came out with some popcorn ,and sat down .

"What "she said ,you guys want some or something? "she asked 

"Stop"my other mom yelled .

Everyone looked their way .

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS FIGHTING IN THE GOT DAMN MORNING ?!!"my mom ciara yelled and asked 

"She's pregnant "Nolan said for everyone to hear ..

I tired to read my mother thoughts.."She didn't understnd as if her brain short circuited and needed to be rebooted around her,everything was slience ...Why me ?.My mother pressed her heel of her hands into her eyes until she saw nothing but sparkles.She tired to sit down ,but it was more like a stumble and fall that left her in a trembling heap on the floor .No words exspect from anyones mouth .tears just felled my eyes.Nolan looked at me ,I could read his body lanuage he was saying 'sorry'....


~misty I'm sorry i was being all bitchy the last time but I'm uploading you know :) vote,comment ,fan !!! Tell everybody :)

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