Chapter 2 Unconditional Love

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1 week after nicole and Princess coverstation

Princess Pov

Me and Nicole been sneaking around from the past couple of days .But i been having this familiar rush in my stomach .I sprinted to the bathroom and spilled my guts .I've been sick for about a week now .I've been having all these weird symptoms .Like Morning sickness ,Cravings ,Mood swings and that's mostly it .

That's when it hit me .I'm pregnant .At 16 .With my teacher almost wife baby.But its not possible .A girl and a girl ?...Ok this is what i'll do ,after school I go to Walmart and buy a preganacy test .Yeah ,and I wont ,I repeat I WILL NOT tell Nicole .I don't want to worry her .But if I am pregnant I'll tell her ,He deserves to know that right.I emptied my stomach a couple more times before going to my room and checking my alarm clock 11:11 (see what i did there all the number lined up and you make a wish it well come true )

**After School**

I walked through the aisles looking for the pregnancy test .I finally found them and grabbed three boxes.The clerk looked at me ..

"Cash or Credit "she asked

"Cash "I said and handed her the money .

I drove home and awaited my Destiny .

At home

I saw a car pull up and saw my mom and step dad .Great how will I hide the box ,I opemed the box and stuck all 10 sticks in my pocket along with the instructions and pened the car door and walked to my house .

"Hey munckin"my mom said as I walked in the house

"Hey mom i got a lot of homework so I'll be upstairs"

"Okay baby "

"Mhmm "I replied and walked upstairs to the bathroom ,i grabbed the sticks and used all 3 of them properly ,Now i wait 5 minutes.


Beep Beep

the test beeped.i took a deep breath .I thought for a second.I couldn't be pregnant .I'm sad and an a Idiot

I decided to save my thoughts for

later,Knowing that If I waited to long they woulf show a false negative .

I looked doen .All the answers were the same .Positive .

"Positive "I whispered to my self ,and thorw the test ,and slid down and cired my eyes out .I'm 16 and pregnant .Fuck my life.

~1 hour later~

I was sitting in my bedroom decidig if i shoulf text Nicole that I'm pregnant (yes she have nicole number ).When we first had sex I gave her the crad ,when we found out her almost hunsband was my teacher she texted me that night asking what we should do.We settled on pretending none of the sex ever happened .But now what ?we have a baby ?

!0 minutes later

Me and star was currently waiting in the doctors office in the waiting toom

"Ciara King "someone yelled .I stood up with my parents and walked to the room with the doctor in it .

"Hello Ciara what seems to be the problem "Dr.Higgings asked

"Well I'm pregnant and I came for an ulrasound "

"Okay lay down on the bed right there "he said pointig to a bed in the corner .I layed down on the bed .

"Okay this''ll feel cold alright "he said

"okay "i replied .He applied a blue gel on a remote type type thing and placed it on my stomach .Man this was cold


"Your hear that "Dr higgins askes I nodded and smiled

"That's your baby's heartbeat "he finished .i smiled and looked at the monitor .I saw a dot and i could tell that was a baby .i smiled .

"Oh my god"I whispered

"Do you want a picture "Dr Higgins asked

"Yes please "I said

"How many "


"Why 2" my bestfriend asked

"Nicole "

"Right "she said annoyed

"You're going to expect the fact that she's the mother right "I said

"I don't have to except anything "she fought back

"Yes you do "

"She's your damn tecaher wife "she said

That's when the doctor came in and we both turned our heads .I was shocked that my bestfriend said that..

Next morning

Ugh Morning sickness again.I clutched my stomach as my head dropped over the toilet seat.I could hear someone's foorsteps coming into the bathroom and the, rubbing my bare back..

"Don't worry It's part of pregnancy "My step dad said

" how did you kn-"I cut off by another wave of vomit spewing out of my mouth .

Once I was sure I was done puking I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth .

"How you know I was pregnant ?"

"I was born at night but not last night "He said

I looked down

"Don't worry I won't tell "he said

"Thanks "i said and smiled

"What time is it"I asked

He looked at his watch .

"3:20 "he replied "

I woke to my room and text Nicole

"Hey "

"Whats up ?"she said

"I have to tell you something"

"Umm what is it "

"I'm perganant "

"Is it mines "




"It's over ...

i was heartbroken when Nicole text me that ....What am I going to do ?

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