III: The Care of Magical Creatures

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Jisoo Manoban's features twitched into a frown when Lisa sighed glumly for the third time in as many minutes

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Jisoo Manoban's features twitched into a frown when Lisa sighed glumly for the third time in as many minutes.

The Manoban sisters were the last two remaining in the library for a late night study session, the others having long tapped out in favour of bed, and sat huddled together around an oil lamp that cast flickering shadows across their work and their faces. Parchment and books piled high in complete chaos around Lisa's side of the table, while Jisoo's workstation was neat and orderly as she worked on a Herbology essay about aquatic plants.

Lisa sighed again.

Jisoo's quill stilled on her parchment and she flicked her sister a look through narrowed eyes.

"What?" she growled.

Lisa's head snapped up from her Charms homework, eyebrows arched as she was caught by surprise. "What? Nothing. I didn't say anything."

Jisoo sighed gruffly and set her quill down in its holder (it was a silver miniature bludger, a birthday present from Hye-jin and Hyun-bin, and one of her favourite possessions).

"I can't concentrate on Professor Choi's homework with you thinking so loud. Go on, tell me already. What's on your mind?"

Lisa opened her mouth indignantly, thinking about protesting, but sighed in defeat and dropped her cheek into her palm. Jisoo was right, of course. Something was bothering her: she just couldn't shake the way Hanbin had looked at her as he walked away with Jennie that afternoon. It lingered in the back of her mind, unsettling her in a way she couldn't quite place.

"You duelled Hanbin Kim in class today, didn't you?"

"How'd you know about that?" Jisoo asked and then grinned. "My victory against the great Hanbin Kim is already the stuff of legends is it? Classic jelly-legs jinx. Never fails."

Lisa rolled her eyes at her sister and her affinity for that dumb spell. "Sure, Jisoo. Anyway...what did you make of him?"

Jisoo ran a hand over her chin thoughtfully and shrugged. "He didn't seem too happy to lose. Said something about how I would regret making a fool of him. It was kind of hard to take him seriously though, what with his legs all jellified," Jisoo noted, chuckling as she reminisced to herself. "Why do you ask?" she asked, lifting a questioning brow.

Lisa sighed, fiddling with the feather of her quill in her fingertips. "No reason. I just...bumped into him today. He gave me a weird feeling, that's all. I don't think he likes me," she said, lips pinching into a pout.

"And if there's one thing Lisa Manoban can't handle, it's not being liked," Jisoo teased, giving her a knowing look.

"Not true!" Lisa protested indignantly. "I didn't do anything to deserve the way he glared at me. All I did was literally exist in the same space as his sister, and it was like I had insulted his entire family or something," Lisa scowled, remembering the way he had looked down his nose at her with those steely, grey eyes.

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