XVI: The Project

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There was a proverbial storm cloud over Jisoo's head when they got back

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There was a proverbial storm cloud over Jisoo's head when they got back. Everything about the eldest Manoban was tense: she was a coiled up spring that released as soon as Lisa and Jennie touched down back to the ground in the courtyard.

Lisa waited until Jennie had unclasped her fingers from around her waist before she dismounted the broom and propped it up against the fountain. No sooner had she done so, Jisoo was all over her, hands on her shoulders, inspecting her for some sort of damage.

"Lisa," she breathed, "are you okay?"

Lisa nodded, and let Jisoo complete her examination until she was satisfied. "I'm...I'm fine," she said, casting a quick glance over at Jennie. A day of confronting everything she'd buried inside her had left her emotionally exhausted and raw, but there was still something she had to do. "Where's Hanbin?" she asked.

Jisoo jerked her head over her shoulder to where Hanbin was sitting on a bench, his head bowed in thought and his fingertips pressed together. Lisa approached him, too tired to feel angry or anything else, really.

As her feet crunched the gravel in front of him, Hanbin snapped his head up, like he'd been somewhere else until then. He went to stand, but let out a surprised yelp as his legs wiggled comically then crumpled beneath him, causing him to topple to the ground with a groan.

"Oops," Jisoo said, a wry smirk on her lips. "Must still be under the effects of my jelly-legs jinx. Professor Kim says it's the most powerful one she's ever seen."

Lisa felt a surge of warmth from her sister's idea of defending her, and she gave Jisoo a light touch to her arm. "Let him go," she said quietly.

"As you wish." Jisoo flicked her wand, and Hanbin managed to push himself to his feet.

Lisa looked him up and down, folding her arms over her chest. He looked tired too, probably from the earful Jisoo had given him while Jennie was out searching for Lisa. His lip was busted and swollen, which gave Lisa a flicker of satisfaction.

"So. You know about me now, mission accomplished. What was your plan from there, exactly?" Lisa raised an eyebrow at him. Slow, like Jennie did when she was at her most intimidating (usually in the throes of a chess game).

Hanbin cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I, um...I thought we could work together. I want you to be able to control your powers...for your sake and for Jennie's. I've spent years reading about Buriram and Thai magic, and I want to learn more from you, if you'll let me."

Lisa tensed her jaw, apprehensive about the idea of being studied. "I'm sure your father thought the same thing. Before he destroyed my world." She spoke quietly, but her voice cut easily through the evening air.

"My father was wrong," Hanbin said. "If I could go back, I would have tried to stop him but I was only a child. I didn't know what he was doing until after he died and I found all his research. I'm not like him, I swear."

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