VII: The First Task

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"Do you remember the plan?" Jisoo asked, hands wringing with nervous energy as she paced back and forth in the tent.

"The one we went over only a hundred times? Yes, I remember."

Lisa tugged at the sleeves of her new competitors robes. They were black, with a Hufflepuff yellow long-sleeved undershirt. It was a small comfort for her to be in her house colours. She could almost pretend she was gearing up for a quidditch match, and not about to face a giant, angry, fire-breathing dragon. She grimaced as a wave of nausea rioted in her stomach at the thought.

She opened her eyes to see Jisoo standing in front of her, hands placed bracingly on her shoulders. "You can do this, Lisa. I believe in you, so much," she said firmly. "I know I never knew them, but your parents...they would be saying the same thing."

Heat pricked at the backs of her eyes and Lisa swallowed at a lump in her throat. It was much too early to start crying, but Jisoo sure was making it difficult not to.

"Thank you, Jisoo," Lisa mumbled into Jisoo's shoulder when she pulled her into a hug.

"If you get scared and you want out, just look at me, okay? Just look at me, and I'll get you out, I promise," Jisoo said fiercely as she squeezed her to her chest.

"I'm pretty sure that's against the rules..."

"Do you think I care?"

A wet laugh bubbled out past Lisa's lips and she tucked her head into the crook of her sister's neck. "Love you, Soo."

"I love you too, Lisa. So much."

Lisa tilted her eyes up over Jisoo's shoulder to see Hanbin and Jennie huddled on the other side of the tent, heads pressed together as they whispered intensely between each other. They spoke with such keen focus, for all Lisa knew their conversation was less about the first task and more about planning world domination.

When Professor Hwang came in telling them it was time for their loved ones to join the other students in the stands, Lisa didn't want to let go. Reluctantly, Jisoo pried herself from Lisa's grip and gave her an assuring smile before she followed Jennie out of the tent.

Lisa inhaled shakily, wringing her hands out as nerves battled in her stomach. This was how she'd felt before last year's quidditch final, only about ten times worse. She was running her plan over in her mind when she heard an insistent whispering sound coming from the corner of the tent nearest to her.

"Psst. Psst!"

Lisa frowned and approached the wall, ducking her head down close to the fabric. She could see the silhouette of a person on the other side.

"Lisa, is that you?"

Lisa blinked in surprise at the voice. "Jennie? What are you doing here?"

"Hanbin says I'm not supposed to talk to you."

"Do you always do what Hanbin says?"

"Obviously not."

"Just not when he's looking, right?"

An exasperated sigh came from the other side of the tent, and Lisa had a brief moment of panic thinking she'd pushed too far and Jennie had left.

"Lisa, please," Jennie said, strained. "I just wanted to wish you luck. I know we're on opposite sides now, but...I really hope you don't get roasted out there."

The blood drained from Lisa's face and she choked a little on her own spit. "Thank you for that visual, Jennie. Truly," she said weakly.

Jennie chuckled softly, and Lisa sighed, closing her eyes at the pleasant sound. The tent wall rustled and the flap at the corner lifted up slightly.

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