XX: Epilogue

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Twelve years later...

Sure, Lisa could have apparated. But flying was so much more fun.

Problem was, as her beeping wristwatch helpfully informed her, she may have spent a bit too much time on a detour flying alongside a flock of migrating swallows, swooping and barrell-rolling over the countryside, arms stretched wide like her toothy grin.

And now she was late.

"Shoot," Lisa muttered and silenced her watch's insistent beeping. "Excellent flying, guys! Have a safe trip!" she crowed cheerily to the swallows, and yelped as she narrowly dodged some falling poop.

Lisa veered mid air to point herself east, and was soon flying over familiar pastures and rolling hills that meant she was nearing home.

She grimaced, realising that not only was she late, she also reeked of smoke. Jennie wasn't going to be happy about that. The smell of smoke had made Jennie nauseous the entire time she'd carried Ella, and she still couldn't stand it. But what was Lisa supposed to do? It was hard to work with dragons and not get just a little singed from time to time.

A smile formed on Lisa's lips as her home came into view. It was on a quiet street in a wizarding neighbourhood (so there couldn't be too many questions about a strange woman flying in and out—or the winged horse in the yard), with two storeys, and a backyard big enough for Liam and Kuma to get into all sorts of trouble.

Lisa swooped down onto their balcony—stopping to snag a bunch of flowers from a neighbour's garden (she'd repay them with a batch of freshly baked cookies later)—and tiptoed into her and Jennie's bedroom. Kuma, their huge brown dog popped her head up from where she'd been curled up on the floor, ears twitching curiously.

"Shh," Lisa whispered, patting Kuma's great head. She shed her robes and showered quickly before changing into a pair of brown, fitted slacks and a loose, white linen shirt, grabbing the flowers from the bed before she headed downstairs with Kuma on her heels.

She found Jennie in the dining room, lighting candles with her wand and levitating plates and glasses onto the table. Silently, Lisa snuck up behind her and slipped an arm around Jennie's waist, squeezing gently when Jennie startled at first.

"Hey," Lisa said, pressing a kiss to the familiar freckle just below Jennie's ear. Her fingertips skated along the scar across Jennie's belly—it had faded, over the years, but still echoed the memories of everything they had been through when they were younger. Jennie eased back into her wife's arms, almost forgetting to be annoyed until—

"You're late," Jennie hummed, stern. Lisa whipped the flowers out from behind her back with a hopeful grin. "And very sweet," Jennie decided, and Lisa was off the hook.

Jennie kissed Lisa on the cheek and conjured some water into a vase for the flowers, while Lisa set about the well-practiced routine of picking up Liam's blocks and books scattered around the living room.

"How was the lab?"

"Busy. How were the dragons?"

"Testy. It's mating season."

"Ah, say no more. Remember last year?"

"Mmhm. Lucky you had hair regrowth potion on hand."

"I kind of liked it short."

"But you like braiding it more."

"I do."

A happy gurgling sound diverted Lisa's attention, and her entire being lit up upon seeing her daughter waving her chubby arms in a plea for freedom from the baby bouncer on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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