XVII: A Dangerous Game

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Lisa grunted as a Durmstrang chaser collided into her in an attempt to steal the quaffle

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Lisa grunted as a Durmstrang chaser collided into her in an attempt to steal the quaffle. He gave her a wide-eyed look, surprised that she appeared unaffected by the impact, which she returned with a cheeky grin before she sped off towards the goalposts. A bludger zoomed across her path, but she ducked under it easily, winding her arm back to launch the quaffle past the keeper and into the left hoop.

The crowd erupted into thunderous cheering, and Lisa sailed around the stands with a fist punched into the air.

Lisa's goal pulled Hogwarts ahead by twenty points. They were nearly an hour into a tight match, the points almost neck and neck since the moment Professor Kim blew the whistle. Hanbin was as good as Jennie had said he was,

At this rate, it would be down to whoever caught the snitch: Jongin against Bambam. Bambam was the best seeker at Hogwarts, sure, but Jongin was a professional at the national level. The pressure was certainly on, and it was evident from the grim look on Bambam's face as he circled high above the field in search of the snitch.

Lisa was playing her absolute best, highly conscious of the fact that talent scouts were watching—and Jennie was watching, too.

A Durmstrang chaser lobbed the quaffle towards Hanbin. Lisa zipped up towards the quaffle, plucking it easily out of the air before it could reach him. She chortled to herself, imagining the dumbstruck look on Hanbin's face as she sped away and palmed the quaffle off to a teammate before he could catch up to her.

The scores were still roughly even when Lisa heard it. It started as an annoying rustling sound that buzzed persistently in her left eardrum, no matter how hard she shook her head to get rid of it. It took her a few seconds to realise that her super hearing had picked up on the snitch, and it was zipping around the Hogwarts goalposts.

Eyes widening, she looked up to see if Bambam had seen it, but he was looking in the opposite direction. Jongin, however, had definitely spotted it, and was about to shoot off into a dive.

"Jisoo!" Lisa cried, pointing up at Jongin.

Jisoo was quick to catch on to what was happening. Her bat was thunder against the bludger as she sent it rocketing towards Jongin, forcing him to pull out of his dive or risk a broken nose. By the time Jongin had recovered, the snitch had disappeared again. Lisa heard Kyungsoo scream something about staying away from his boyfriend's pretty face, and breathed a sigh of relief before she played on.

The beaters really weren't letting up on her.

Lisa had been forced to dive, loop, or roll out of the way of a bludger six times on her way to the goalposts with the quaffle.

"Shin! Jisoo! Can you do something about this?" She called through grit teeth as the bludger whipped over the top of her head.

Jisoo and Shin flanked her in the air, beating the bludger away whenever it came at her.

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