XIX: Together

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There were marks in the shape of crescent moons on the back of Jennie's wrist from where she had been clutching at it since the start of the task. Scenarios played out over and over in her brain—Lisa hurting herself, ending up scared and lost in the maze, or Hanbin, losing himself in the desire to win. She tried to join in on the cheering and animated speculations about who would take the title, but she was just too consumed with worry to do anything but stare at the at the hedge maze, waiting for green or red sparks, or anything really.

It took her a few seconds to realise someone was saying her name, giving her a gentle nudge to get her attention.

"Sorry, what?" she asked distractedly.

"I asked if you were alright," Ten said gently, hinging at the waist so he could speak into her ear. "I don't need super hearing to know you're worried. Lisa is more than capable of taking care of herself; she's going to be just fine."

Jennie swallowed and pulled her eyes away from the maze for the first time in almost an hour. "I know that. I just...I can't help but feel like something is going to go wrong, like I've missed something..." Jennie trailed off as her eyes scanned over the crowd and a pit hollowed out in her stomach when she realised the chair that was supposed to hold Ye-ji Kim was conspicuously empty. "Oh no," she breathed, but before she could do anything, the entire audience erupted into deafening applause and shouts.

Jennie whipped her head back to look at the maze, where green sparks were shooting up from the centre.

"See?" Ten said brightly as he clapped his hands beside her. "Everything is fine; it's all over now."

Jennie swallowed thickly and couldn't bring herself to clap—not until she saw Lisa and her brother in front of her, alive and unharmed and safe. The cheering continued, and went on and on while the maze remained completely silent and still before them. Jennie barely moved a muscle as she watched the entrance of the maze, waiting, waiting, waiting.

There was a rustling sound, and then two figures burst out—Jongin, led by a weary looking Professor J'onzz.

"Did I win?" Jongin asked, grinning in the light while the Durmstrang students stamped their feet on the stands and pounded their chests. Kyungsoo vaulted over the stands and launched himself into Jongin's arms, laughing as he explained that no, Jongin hadn't won, but he was so proud of him anyway.

"Where's Lisa?" Jennie heard an agitated Jisoo asking on her other side.

The crowd was beginning to murmur speculations around her, and Jennie was gradually consumed with a heavy sense of dread.

A figure approached from the skies above—Jennie's stomach flipped for a moment thinking it might have been Lisa—but it was Professor Kim, who had been patrolling the maze during the task. She touched down gracefully on her broomstick, and the grim expression on her face as she whispered something in Professor Hwang's ear told Jennie everything she needed to know.

Jennie sprang into action, grabbing onto Ten's arm. "We have to go."

Jennie's exit was halted abruptly by a hand gripping her shoulder, and she turned around to see the panicked look on Jisoo's face. "Where are you going? What's going on?" Jisoo asked, voice strained.

Jennie swallowed thickly as she pried Jisoo's fingers from her shoulder. "I don't know, but something's wrong. We're going to find out what," she said grimly.

"I'm coming with you."

"No," Jennie shook her head. "You need to stay here, with Rosé and your family. Lisa needs you safe, okay?"

Conflict played out across Jisoo's face until she grit her teeth and nodded. "She's my sister, Jennie," she said tightly.

"I know. We'll get her, I promise."

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